1. Believers of Many Faiths Seek One Truth
ASSISI, Italy, OCT. 28, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Pilgrims of all faith traditions who gathered at Assisi for the interfaith summit agreed that it was a historic event of great importance. [Read More]
2. Hillary Clinton Visiting Philippines as Pro-Lifers Gather
The pro-abortion United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with speak with Philippine President Benigno Aquino during her stop in Manila next month on the eve of what is set to be one of the largest pro-life gatherings in the Philippines this year. [Read More]
3. US Catholic Group Urges All Faiths to Fight for Religious Freedom
Washington D.C., Oct 27, 2011 / 05:40 pm (CNA).- Members from the group Catholic Advocate are launching a nationwide campaign inviting people from every faith to mobilize for the protection of religious liberty in the U.S. [Read More]
4. Promiscuous Sex May Do More Than Break Your Heart – Study Finds HPV/Heart-Attack Link
GALVESTON, October 27, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The condom-resistant sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus (HPV), known to be the leading cause of cervical cancer, has also been linked to increased risk of heart attack according to new research released this week. [Read More]
5. Any Hope For DOMA?
A conservative military watchdog takes no satisfaction in being right when she predicted that radical homosexual groups would use the repeal of the ban on homosexual military service as a springboard to attack traditional marriage. [Read More]
6. Catholic University in Brazil Hosts Symposium Defending Right to ‘Homo-Affection’
October 27, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A Catholic university located in Brazil recently hosted a symposium on “homoaffective law” that gave advocates of the homosexual agenda a platform for promoting their ideology. [Read More]
7. Pepsi Shareholders Demand Company Stop Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines in Flavor Research
LARGO, FL, October 25, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The pro-life organization Children of God for Life announced today the filing of a shareholder resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission and PepsiCo, protesting the use of aborted a fetal cell line for the research and development of flavor enhancers for their beverages. [Read More]
8. New York Parents Mobilize Against Sex-Ed Mandate
NEW YORK — A new sex-education mandate in New York City could have middle-school students visiting local pharmacies to catalogue condom brands, among other problematic assignments. [Read More]
9. Tebow Inspires Phenomenon Called 'Tebowing'
DENVER (AP) — Tim Tebow inspired a phenomenon when he dropped to a knee and began praying as his teammates wildly celebrated around him after an improbable overtime victory in Miami last weekend. [Read More]
10. How to Help the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Susan Tassone won’t admit it, but she is one of the experts on the souls in purgatory. [Read More]
Courage is an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church that provides spiritual support for men and women with same-sex attractions who desire to develop lives of interior chastity in union with Christ.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Why Do Gays Raise Their Eyebrow Too High?
Here's a thought-provoking observation by Bro. A on why gay men have this habit of raising their eyebrows.
One characteristic mark of gays is that they tend to raise their eyebrows so high whenever they feel something is off or calls for a little incredulity or sarcasm, raising their eyebrows often higher than women would. A possible explanation for this is that raising eyebrows atmospherically high is just typical, symbolic of the other manifestations of gays to have very high standards, raising the bar to the highest level possible because they are trying to prove something.
One can easily notice how gays consistently have a high-achiever streak. Name a field and they are often the leading lights, the best possible mentors, the standards of excellence, be it in the arts, literature, music, dance, cosmetology, etc., especially topping the fields that are typically female-dominated. Other observers may easily contend that this is a strong basis that gayness is genetic. They may be right in making the link, “gay = excellent/intelligent = genetic?” But what they fail to see is that the equation could be an oversimplification, and that there might be another possibility: it could be that gays are often excellent in any of their chosen endeavors because they are extra-driven for some reason.
If that is the case, the next question to ask is: why the freakish, preternatural drive to excel, reap recognitions, accumulate awards? Could it be that there is such a high desire for affirmation? Why is there such a strong desire? Is affirmation lacking in the first place? Why? What happened?
If one sees this other possibility, one is forced to dig deeper into the secret life of the gay man, particular his inner life and how it was formed growing up. Impartial, independent studies have shown that almost all homosexuals, if they were not sexually abused, grew up in dysfunctional homes characterized by a break in the any of the three crucial links that play a major role not just in the formation of a person’s gender identity but identity itself: mother-son, father-son, mother-father. Developmental psychologists say that any break in these links can possibly be a trauma for the child, especially when that child has a particularly sensitive nature.
These breaks in the childhood development, investigators have noted, explain why homosexuals, as they grow up into adults, exhibit “attachment loss” in various forms: lack of rapport with or lack of a warm and fond relationship with the father, antagonistic relationship with the mother, over-attachment with the mother (as though the son is a replacement boyfriend in cases where the mother has a difficult relationship with the father), or alienation from both parents.
What does this mean for the person with a homosexual problem? This only means deep insecurity resulting in an insecure identity and, by extension, insecure gender identity due to the failure to bond with the father figure. This profound insecurity with the self bears equally profound complications: the person fails to grasp the basic fact that anyone born in this world is whole and complete and has the right to live. Failure to understand this basic concept of self results in the inability to understand that one is loved as he is. And this is where that drive, that compulsion, to succeed and prove oneself comes from.
The insecure homosexual person, having grown up with what he perceived as “unmet needs” of affirmation, will try to live the rest of his life trying to compensate for that perceived lack. He will not only hate himself if he perceives failure, he will hate or despise others who equally don't measure up to the high standards he has set; he will also envy others he perceives to be superior to him. A history of sex abuse compounds the problem as the homosexual person ends up eroticizing his "unmet need" particularly for male affirmation. This wrong understanding born of wrong presumptions leads to this catastrophe: He will live perpetually trying to complete himself, compensating for the perceived incompleteness in various ways, and constantly hunting for other men he is “magnetically attracted” to (to quote a psychologist) as though they were missing parts of himself. His life will be a life of trying to buy love, having mistaken love as something that should be bought or earned. His life will be a life of constantly trying to prove oneself, and his conception of love is one of quid pro quo (“give me this, I’ll buy you that”).
Everything he does, therefore, is tainted by this drive to prove oneself because his one great fear is the loss or death of self: the feeling that he is a failure, that he is worthless if he is unable to prove his worth.
The apparent result of this drive can only be excellence and consequently public adulation, affirmation of excellence in the form of awards, medals, achievement, success, recognition. The paradox, however, is that the person, whose identity by now he may have erroneously accepted fully as being a “gay guy,” will never be happy, satisfied, or fulfilled because, at the end of the day, he is still merely trying to buy love.
The ensuing tragedy is absurd because:
1) The assumption that he must DO something in order to be loved is, after all, false; he is unable to see that all he needs to do to be loved or to earn the right to live and be loved is just BE who he is;
2) His basic assumptions about his mother and father are more often than not mere distortions, in the form of exaggerations, omissions of crucial details, colored interpretations of the past, biased views;
3) He does not realize that, in the end, he had a direct hand in creating the problem, starting with his self-identity; he is unaware that, at the end of the day, he is the one who has set the bar so high, not his parents or anyone else; he is unaware that, after all is said and done, his problem is self-inflicted. The homosexual is almost always bound to experience depression because of this self-imposed standard. When he fails, he is bound to perceive himself as a failure instead of differentiating it from the distinction of a whole and complete person who merely happened to have failed in something. But even when he gets the job done with flying colors, he is still bound to get depressed, for the simple reason that he will not feel loved for who he is but for what he has done; he will always feel more like a “human doing instead of a human being,” to quote a brilliant quip.
4) He may have been a victim of trauma and “abuse” as a child, but the “homosexual person” is unable to get over it because he fails to see that he is no longer that boy – he is all grown up and changed.
5) The person who has identified himself as a homosexual or a gay man is neither that at his core; he is in fact still biologically, physiologically male and will remain so as long as he possesses the X and Y chromosomes; only his emotions have been fouled up, thanks to a harmful family dynamics and his own confused reactions to it.
This complicated life is even made more complex by the fact that the so-called “homosexual person” is bound to extend this view of parents, family, life, society/the world to his spirituality, particularly his relationship with God as Father. He will, again wrongly, make the most tragic equation of God = my father, mother, the world. In case the boy grows up in a Christian household, this can only result in the inability to understand the basic concept of unconditional love. Living his life all along as a series of conditions, a series of impossible standards that he aims to reach, he will be unable to grasp the idea that he is loved for who he is, that like a newborn child, he is loved first, that he is already lovable even when he has not done anything yet to prove his worth.
Only when he can figure out these distinctions for himself will the “gay guy” be able to liberate himself from the prison of gay/homosexual thinking, a large part of which is self-imposed and yet he doesn’t even know it.
So why are gays raising their eyebrows sky-high? It appears that it is because they have such a very high standard they are trying to reach, even when they know that perfection in this fallen world is an utter impossibility. Worse, they hold everyone accountable to such a high standard they have imposed on themselves, wrongly thinking that’s how the cookie crumbles, that’s how the world is made round. Little do they know that they have been victimized as children, but the rest of it was their own doing all along. They don't know that they are no longer the children they once were because the past is long gone.
The key to healing “homosexual brokenness” therefore lies in four crucial steps:
a) Being made aware of the wrong interpretations of the past,
b) Forgiving one’s parents -- and by extension, others -- by recognizing the logic of their behavior,
c) Letting go of the high standards one has unknowingly set for oneself (it is one thing to want to excel because one wants to excel versus to want to excel in order to beg for love), and making peace with other people’s giftedness (after all, one has no right to question God’s plan for people; besides, everyone is wanted by God and is unique and irreplaceable to Him)
d) Forgiving oneself for committing the terrible mistakes of childhood and embracing oneself wholly, including all the strengths and weaknesses, recognizing that it is okay to be imperfect; after all, everyone is and nobody cares if one is not perfect.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Pastoral Awareness on HIV/AIDS Seminar
Forwarded event from Pro-Life Philippines.
With the reality that there are brothers & sisters living with and affected by HIV and AIDS, many of our vulnerable groups (youth, migrants and key affected populations) are losing hope to live and they are greatly stigmatized and discriminated by the society. Couples, parents, guardians, teachers, catechists, Church & lay leaders, social workers, counselors/ life coaches, youth group advisers & all those who deal with this situation, as members of the Body of Christ, doing nothing is not an option.
Primarily the seminar aims to strengthen the participant’s knowledge and understanding on HIV/AIDS and its related issues. It also aims to deepen the understanding of Catholic responses to HIV and AIDS.
It is EXPECTED that by the end of the training, the participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the extent and impact of HIV/AIDS.
2. Understand Philippine Republic Act 8504.
3. Enumerate the cultural and social factors that contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS, and list possible solutions to it.
4. Differentiate HIV and AIDS, discuss how HIV transmitted; and enumerate ways by which HIV can be prevented.
5. List current care and treatment for HIV/AIDS.
6. Explain why Catholic response is needed to address HIV/AIDS.
Resource Speaker: Rev. Rodolfo Dan Vicente Cancino Jr., MI Regional Coordinator Southeast Asia HIV and AIDS Catholic Network
Venue: Bahay Ugnayan Bldg., Good Shephered Convent, 1043 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City (beside the Katipunan LRT Station, St. Bridget School, and in front of PSBA, a university)
Date: November 19, 2011, Saturday Time: 8:00 am -12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300.00 (inclusive of kits, snacks & certificates)
For reservations or more information, please call Ellen at 7337027 or you may send us a telefax at 7349425; or a text through mobile # 09192337783; or an email at life@prolife.org.ph.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Weekly News (Third Week of October 2011)
1. Church Remembers John Paul II on 1st Feast Day
ROME, OCT. 21, 2011 (Zenit.org).- The Church will celebrate the first memorial for Blessed Pope John Paul II on Saturday. [Read More]
2. NY Archbishop Lauds Reaction to Susan Sarandon's Nazi Comment
New York City, N.Y., Oct 21, 2011 / 03:15 am (CNA).- Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York praised local news and anti-discrimination groups for chastising actress Susan Sarandon after she called Pope Benedict a “Nazi.” [Read More]
3. Hate Crimes - Can Christians Be Victims?
Police are searching for the culprits who threw concrete bricks through the door and windows of a Christian facility in Illinois as it prepared for a banquet for a group dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda. [Read More]
4. Pope Hails ‘Courageous’ Italian Priest Killed in South
POPE Benedict XVI expressed his condolences on Wednesday for the killing of an Italian priest in the violence-plagued southern Philippines, saying he had been “courageous and indefatigable.” [Read More]
5. Seven Billion People: What Population Control Advocates Don’t Say
International population advocates and their allies in the media have decided that October 31, 2011 is the day that the world’s population will reach 7 billion. How convenient for them; they get to play off the day dedicated to spooky tales with a spooky tale of their own. [Read More]
6. Man Nearly Starved to Death Like Terri Schiavo Now Responsive
A 55-year-old Maryland man who became temporarily unconscious after suffering a heart attack and a seizure has been saved from being starved to death like Terri Schiavo after an Alliance Defense Fund-allied attorney obtained an order in state court on behalf of the man’s mother and brother. [Read More]
7. Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Could Force Churches to Stop Performing Legal Marriages Altogether: Archbishop
ROME, October 19, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The legalization of same-sex “marriage” in Australia could push Christian churches out of their historic role in solemnizing legal marriages altogether, according to one archbishop. [Read More]
8. Porn Numbs Body’s Response to Sexual Pleasure: Psychology Today
October 20, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Recent research indicates that porn use can cause sexual dysfunction by numbing the body’s response to normal sexual pleasure, according to a report published in Psychology Today. [Read More]
9. Vatican Comments on Moammar Gadhafi's Death, Pledges to Continue Assistance to Libya
Holy See: 'This dramatic event forces us to reflect once again on the price of immense human suffering that accompanies the assertion and collapse of any system that is not based on respect and dignity of the person, but on the principal assertion of power.' [Read More]
10. Sisters Go Online to Promote Vocations
Communities of women religious rely more on the Internet and social media, and some orders report a sharp rise in inquiries. [Read More]
ROME, OCT. 21, 2011 (Zenit.org).- The Church will celebrate the first memorial for Blessed Pope John Paul II on Saturday. [Read More]
2. NY Archbishop Lauds Reaction to Susan Sarandon's Nazi Comment
New York City, N.Y., Oct 21, 2011 / 03:15 am (CNA).- Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York praised local news and anti-discrimination groups for chastising actress Susan Sarandon after she called Pope Benedict a “Nazi.” [Read More]
3. Hate Crimes - Can Christians Be Victims?
Police are searching for the culprits who threw concrete bricks through the door and windows of a Christian facility in Illinois as it prepared for a banquet for a group dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda. [Read More]
4. Pope Hails ‘Courageous’ Italian Priest Killed in South
POPE Benedict XVI expressed his condolences on Wednesday for the killing of an Italian priest in the violence-plagued southern Philippines, saying he had been “courageous and indefatigable.” [Read More]
5. Seven Billion People: What Population Control Advocates Don’t Say
International population advocates and their allies in the media have decided that October 31, 2011 is the day that the world’s population will reach 7 billion. How convenient for them; they get to play off the day dedicated to spooky tales with a spooky tale of their own. [Read More]
6. Man Nearly Starved to Death Like Terri Schiavo Now Responsive
A 55-year-old Maryland man who became temporarily unconscious after suffering a heart attack and a seizure has been saved from being starved to death like Terri Schiavo after an Alliance Defense Fund-allied attorney obtained an order in state court on behalf of the man’s mother and brother. [Read More]
7. Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Could Force Churches to Stop Performing Legal Marriages Altogether: Archbishop
ROME, October 19, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The legalization of same-sex “marriage” in Australia could push Christian churches out of their historic role in solemnizing legal marriages altogether, according to one archbishop. [Read More]
8. Porn Numbs Body’s Response to Sexual Pleasure: Psychology Today
October 20, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Recent research indicates that porn use can cause sexual dysfunction by numbing the body’s response to normal sexual pleasure, according to a report published in Psychology Today. [Read More]
9. Vatican Comments on Moammar Gadhafi's Death, Pledges to Continue Assistance to Libya
Holy See: 'This dramatic event forces us to reflect once again on the price of immense human suffering that accompanies the assertion and collapse of any system that is not based on respect and dignity of the person, but on the principal assertion of power.' [Read More]
10. Sisters Go Online to Promote Vocations
Communities of women religious rely more on the Internet and social media, and some orders report a sharp rise in inquiries. [Read More]
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Prayer Warriors of the Holy Souls Upcoming Activities

Come All Saints and All Souls Day, the Prayer Warriors of the Holy Souls (PWHS) is once again inviting everyone to participate in these activities in honor and remembrance of our dearly departed loved ones and all the souls in purgatory.
Greetings with the Love of Our Lord!
Here are the forthcoming activities of PWHS:
1) 40-hour Vigil - Intensive Prayers for the Holy Souls
* Venue: Adoration Chapel - Manila Cathedral
* Date/start: Oct. 24, 6pm Mass Main Altar Manila Cathedral
* Mass Presider: Msgr. Nestor Cerbo, Rector of Manila Cathedral
* Date/end: Oct. 26, 12:10pm Mass Main Altar Manila Cathedral
* Mass Presider: Fr. Jojo Zerrudo, Spiritual Director of PWHS
* Date: From Oct. 25 to Nov. 2, 2011
* Time: 12noon
* Radio Veritas website: www.veritas846.ph
* Venue: Manila Cathedral, Intramuros, Manila
* Date/Time: Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011 - 10:00am
* Presider: Bishop Deogracias Iñigues, DD, Bishop of Kalookan
The mass will be delayed telecast in the afternoon at 4pm at
the NBN Channel 4.
* Date: From Nov. 3 to Nov. 10, 2011
* Time: 12noon
* Radio Veritas website: www.veritas846.ph
* The first 8 days of November are highly indulgenced. See:
5) Mass in Honor to St. Gertrude ( feast day)
* Venue: Manila Cathedral, Intramuros, Manila
* Date/Time: Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011 - 12:10pm
* Mass Presider: Msgr. Nestor Cerbo, Rector of Manila Cathedral
6) Advent Recollection:
* Date: Dec. 3, 2011
* Time: 8:00am to 5:00pm (4pm Mass)
* Venue: Worship Hall of the Spirit of Love Covenanted Community
* Recollection Master: Fr. Nolan Que
* Registration fee: P150 - pre-registration encouraged
* Invitation is open to all
All PWHS members and friends of PWHS are invited to attend and involve
themselves in these activities.
For more details, please send email to: info@pwhs.ph or call tel. nos (63-2)
531-0391 / 532-2831 Local 100 & 101 or send text to +63918-9290603
Best regards and God Bless!
Carlos Oda
Deputy Executive Director
Prayer Warriors of the Holy Souls
An Apostolate of the Monfort Foundation, Inc.
Follow PWHS on Facebook
New office hours (Effective March 1, 2011):
Mon/Thu: 8:00am to 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Sat/Sun/Holidays: Closed
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Blessed: A Call to Holiness

I was strolling along Ali Mall in Cubao when I chanced upon this poster of the late pontiff. A musical concert and liturgical celebration in honor of Blessed Pope John Paul II will be staged at the SMART Araneta Coliseum come October 29, 2011, Saturday, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. by the Diocese of Cubao. The event will be filled with thanksgiving, inspiring messages, and musical numbers. Among the notable speakers are Fr. Francis Gustilo, SDB, who is currently a member of the Vatican's International Theological Commission and Spiritual Director of Couples for Christ; Former Ambassador to the Holy See Henrietta de Villa, and Former Executive Director of World Youth Day Jo Grafil.
Their uplifting testimonials and inspirational talks will be interspersed with musical performances by the Las Pinas Boys Choir, Hail Mary the Queen Children's Choir, Holy Family Parish Youth Group of the Diocese of Pasig, the IL VOCE from the Ateneo High School, and special surprise performers. The occasion will also showcase a theme song for Blessed PJPII composed by the maestro, Mr. Ryan Cayabyab, with lyrics provided by Fr. Manoling Francisco SJ.
The occasion takes on a special meaning when the pope himself during his visit in 1981 declared in Araneta Coliseum that "this place will be called the colosseo of papal audiences." Blessed Pope John Paul II has undoubtedly had a great influence on the faith of Filipino Christians and I for one practically grew up during his pontificate. There is also a relic and photo exhibit from October 9 to 29, 2011, on the life and works of Blessed PJPII at the Gateway Mall Activity Area.
Admission to Blessed: A Call to Holiness is FREE! Tickets will be distributed to local parishes starting October 9. For inquiries, please contact your parish or the Diocese of Cubao at 723-5114 or 721-6225.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Weekly News (Second Week of October 2011)
1. Don't Get Lost in Problems, Says Pope
Encourages Perceiving the Beautiful Things That Come From the Lord
VATICAN CITY, OCT. 12, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI says we should more frequently recall how God has protected and guided us, noting that this exercise not only helps in "times of darkness" but also fills us with joy. [Read More]
2. Archbishop Named for Manila
54-Year-Old Headed Philippine Bishops' Doctrine Commission
MANILA, OCT. 13, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle of Imus, Philippines, has been named the metropolitan archbishop of Manila. [Read More]
3. Minnesota Catholic Leaders Say ‘Gay Marriage’ Group Is Misleading
St. Paul, Minn., Oct 4, 2011 / 12:22 am (CNA).- A self-described Catholic group advocating “marriage equality” in Minnesota is misleading Catholics and others about the nature of marriage and is not recognized by the Church, according to church leaders in the state. [Read More]
4. Artist Uses Unique Way to Reach World For Christ
The animated project "Theo" is the latest use of modern technology to win children to Christ and keep them interested in the gospel story. [Read More]
5. Philippines Congress Adjourns Without Vote on RH Bill
Filipinos breathed a huge sigh of relief yesterday as Congress adjourned for their month-long recess without any legislators attempting to force a vote on the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill despite promises from supporters of the bill in the House of the Representatives that it would be passed that day. [Read More]
6. Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Was a Pro-Life Movement Victory
Just this week, Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan signed into law that state’s version of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. As our affiliate, Right to Life of Michigan, said: “The law is a long awaited, celebrated achievement by dedicated pro-life people in Michigan” [Read More]
7. Supreme Court of Canada Homosexual ‘Hate Speech’ Case Could Be Decisive For Religious Freedom
OTTAWA, October 13, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A case argued before the Supreme Court yesterday, if decided the wrong way, could result in “a virtual open season on anyone communicating a religiously informed position on any matter of public policy,” according to Don Hutchinson, general legal counsel for the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, which intervened in the case - Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) v. William Whatcott. [Read More]
8. Chastity and Building the Culture of Life
Chastity builds up the culture of life among all people by promoting healthy relationships in which people turn away from selfishness and turn toward generous self-gift. The lifestyle of kindness and self-gift that comes from practicing chastity inspires people to work together in doing the will of God and transforming their families, friendships, neighborhoods and societies into strong examples of authentic love. [Read More]
9. When We Redefine Marriage, These Five Wedding Traditions No Longer Make Sense
All this week I’ve been thinking about weddings. My husband and I recently celebrated our anniversary, and then Hallie Lord is hosting a little online party where bloggers are writing about their honeymoons. [Read More]
10. The Holiness and Work of St. Teresa of Avila, Mystic and Church Reformer
On Oct. 15, Roman Catholics celebrate the Spanish Carmelite reformer and mystic St. Teresa of Avila, whose life of prayer enriched the Church during the 16th century Counter-Reformation. [Read More]
Encourages Perceiving the Beautiful Things That Come From the Lord
VATICAN CITY, OCT. 12, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI says we should more frequently recall how God has protected and guided us, noting that this exercise not only helps in "times of darkness" but also fills us with joy. [Read More]
2. Archbishop Named for Manila
54-Year-Old Headed Philippine Bishops' Doctrine Commission
MANILA, OCT. 13, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle of Imus, Philippines, has been named the metropolitan archbishop of Manila. [Read More]
3. Minnesota Catholic Leaders Say ‘Gay Marriage’ Group Is Misleading
St. Paul, Minn., Oct 4, 2011 / 12:22 am (CNA).- A self-described Catholic group advocating “marriage equality” in Minnesota is misleading Catholics and others about the nature of marriage and is not recognized by the Church, according to church leaders in the state. [Read More]
4. Artist Uses Unique Way to Reach World For Christ
The animated project "Theo" is the latest use of modern technology to win children to Christ and keep them interested in the gospel story. [Read More]
5. Philippines Congress Adjourns Without Vote on RH Bill
Filipinos breathed a huge sigh of relief yesterday as Congress adjourned for their month-long recess without any legislators attempting to force a vote on the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill despite promises from supporters of the bill in the House of the Representatives that it would be passed that day. [Read More]
6. Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Was a Pro-Life Movement Victory
Just this week, Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan signed into law that state’s version of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. As our affiliate, Right to Life of Michigan, said: “The law is a long awaited, celebrated achievement by dedicated pro-life people in Michigan” [Read More]
7. Supreme Court of Canada Homosexual ‘Hate Speech’ Case Could Be Decisive For Religious Freedom
OTTAWA, October 13, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A case argued before the Supreme Court yesterday, if decided the wrong way, could result in “a virtual open season on anyone communicating a religiously informed position on any matter of public policy,” according to Don Hutchinson, general legal counsel for the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, which intervened in the case - Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) v. William Whatcott. [Read More]
8. Chastity and Building the Culture of Life
Chastity builds up the culture of life among all people by promoting healthy relationships in which people turn away from selfishness and turn toward generous self-gift. The lifestyle of kindness and self-gift that comes from practicing chastity inspires people to work together in doing the will of God and transforming their families, friendships, neighborhoods and societies into strong examples of authentic love. [Read More]
9. When We Redefine Marriage, These Five Wedding Traditions No Longer Make Sense
All this week I’ve been thinking about weddings. My husband and I recently celebrated our anniversary, and then Hallie Lord is hosting a little online party where bloggers are writing about their honeymoons. [Read More]
10. The Holiness and Work of St. Teresa of Avila, Mystic and Church Reformer
On Oct. 15, Roman Catholics celebrate the Spanish Carmelite reformer and mystic St. Teresa of Avila, whose life of prayer enriched the Church during the 16th century Counter-Reformation. [Read More]
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Healing Through The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Book Review

About the Book
This book vivifies you to be grateful: that God is merciful, that his love heals, and that he gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It examines Confession in the light of the healing process. It presents impressions, clarifications, biblical verses, experiences, perspectives, testimonies of priests and of lay persons, forgiveness prayers, an examination of conscience, and the author's inspirations.
Chapter 1: God Reaches Out To Heal Us
Chapter 2: Demystifying the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Chapter 3: Courage To Accept We Have Sinned
Chapter 4: A Healing Sacrament
Chapter 5: The Saints and Confession
Chapter 6: Obstacles To a Good Confession
Chapter 7: The "Ideal Confession": Proper Dispositions for Confessing
Chapter 8: The Confessor: A Discerning Minister of Forgiveness
Chapter 9: The Examination of Conscience
Chapter 10: Confession, the Cross, and the Resurrection
Chapter 11: The Call of Mercy
Chapter 12: A Sacrament of Hope
You can purchase this book on all St. Paul's Bookstores.
About the Author
Ilsa B. Reyes is a full-time Church worker called to inner healing, intercession, and media. She wrote Affirmation and Healing Treasures and Inner Child Treasures. She co-hosts Salitang Buhay over DZMM Teleradyo 630 KHz AM station, Ch. 26 Skycable, Sundays, 9 to 10 p.m. with Fr. Bel San Luis, SVD and Fr. Jerome Marquez, SVD, and is a facilitator of the ARISE integrative-transformative seminar-workshops. She has a Christian CD called The Treasure.
Where to Confess
For confession schedules, contact your local parish. I also recommend going to Sto. Domingo Church in QC, EDSA Shrine, Redemptorist Church in Baclaran, and Greenbelt Chapel (Sto. Nino de Paz Community)
My 'Confession'
First of all I find this little book on Confession very uplifting and I highly recommend it to anyone who is seeking a fresh perspective and a deeper appreciation of what this sacrament is really all about and in relation to one's personal struggle with sin. After reading the book, I realized that we are so blessed in the Courage community because once a month we are afforded the opportunity to go to confession via our Sacrament Sunday with our spiritual directors, and I thank the Lord for these priests who make themselves readily available to minister to our spiritual needs.
My love affair with the sacrament began sometime in 2003 when a close friend of mine told me that there was this 'good, old, and caring priest' (Fr. Greg Doherty) whom he often confesses to. It meant nothing to me at first but little did I know that God would use this priest as his instrument to call me back 'home.'
During those times and throughout my growing up years I was far from God and religion was something that I felt more of an obligation rather than a personal relationship. Back in my high school days, I can still remember how I often raised questions and objections to my religion teacher during our recitation class regarding Catholic teachings and doctrines which he explained to us well. It was not enough to convince me though as I was very close-minded. My misconceptions about the Catholic faith came from the preposterous line of reasoning and belief system that my father has subscribed on to. He was and is still very much anti-Catholic and this is one of the things that really saddens me. Whenever I reminisce about this I wonder how I managed to pass my religion subject, and how come I became like 'Saul' who persecuted the faith in my own little way. It was even more embarrassing for me because I practically was educated in a Catholic school from kindergarten to college! If there is one thing that I regret about the whole affair, it was the lost opportunity of celebrating World Youth Day in 1995 when the late Pope John Paul II came to Manila. Where was I at that time? Locking myself up inside our house watching the whole event unfold on TV while my classmates were out there having a great time meeting the WYD delegates and making friends with throngs of young people from all over the world. How alienating this experience was when they all came back from the event! I felt like a sore thumb among my peers.
On the other hand, even with my supreme ignorance at that time and my hostile attitude toward Church authorities and priests, it was a miracle of grace that I did not feel the same hostility towards Mary and the Saints as you would probably expect me to. I have always had a profound respect and admiration of Mary from the start and it must have been my saving grace.
In college and during the early years of my working life I was not living the faith, until one evening when I found myself alone in Sto. Domingo Church, feeling a heavy burden of guilt brought about by some grievous sins I committed and I was asking God for mercy. All of a sudden, I just felt a strong urge inside to approach the confessional where confession was ongoing. Suddenly, at that moment, I mustered the courage and strength to step inside the 'box' not knowing what to expect as I was a nonpracticing Catholic, and upon hearing the comforting voice of a priest I just poured everything out and found myself crying. When I stepped out of the 'box', I literally felt so light, free, and as if a very heavy load was lifted off my chest. Until now, that experience of being forgiven, even if I vaguely understand anything about it back then, is as real to me as it was years ago, and that started my journey back 'home' to the Catholic faith. The Sacrament of Reconciliation has become the doorway for me to re-enter the Church and be in full communion with her. After that experience, all my doubts and questions about the faith vanished by the grace of God and with the aid of good books that taught me about the truths of the faith. It was as if a very bright light illumined the dark corners of my mind that dispelled all ignorance and confusion away. It was a life-transforming experience indeed. By the way, I forgot to mention that the 'good, old, caring priest' who ministered to me at that precise moment in my life was no other than Fr. Greg.
I am still far from being perfect and I still have struggles until now. I will still have to approach the sacrament many times in my journey because I still fall and commit sin but one thing is for sure - that every time I step in and confess my sins to the priest, I know that Jesus in the person of the priest-confessor truly and unconditionally forgives me and welcomes me back to his fold, that healing, mercy, and grace is made available to me at that very moment. What a tremendous grace and what a gift! Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful and beautiful sacrament.
I hope you were inspired today by my story of conversion. If you have been far away from God and are looking to find your way back, find a good priest and receive the sacrament of Confession and I can assure you that the angels in heaven will be rejoicing and that Jesus will be more than happy to welcome you back with open arms. God is always waiting for us to come back to Him.
"It would be an illusion to want to strive for holiness in accordance with the vocation that God has given to each one of us without frequently and fervently receiving this sacrament of conversion and sanctification." - Blessed Pope John Paul II
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Absolute Purity or Relative Purity?

This is a guest post by Derek Ross, National Director of True Love Waits Philippines, whom I had the privilege of meeting in person last month during a conference on SSA. To find out more about his ministry, visit www.wagmuna.com.
There is a prevalent idea that the cause of Filipino's moral decay is Western influence largely that of America. McDonald's, Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, hiphop, Levi's, Microsoft or Mac, Hollywood and MTV, are some American things that influence us.
To prevent moral decay some people avoid every kind of American brand of influence. But do we really want to throw out all things that America has influenced us? Not really, because cars and airplanes were invented in the U.S.
If we think about it, our TVs are not only filled with Western influence but our Asian neighbors also influence much of our youth culture today. Singaporean, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean youth cultures have impacted the way Filipino youth dress, talk, and act. But which culture should we choose as a standard among the nations when it comes to purity?
Being "more conservative" in some ways than the West, we have the propensity to uplift ourselves by saying,
"We are purer than they are."
"We're not like them when it comes to premarital sex."
"Our purity campaign is better than theirs."
When we do this, we're not really any better because we're only measuring ourselves to a standard where we can feel better than them. There is really no such thing as 'more righteous' or 'lesser evil', only what is good and evil. We have taken upon ourselves the measuring and removed God as the standard.
Our aim should not become better than other nations. At life's end there will not be a panel of Western people sitting with 1-10 scorecards to grade us. The final decision of whether we are pure or impure will not be based on some kind of sliding scale comparing ourselves to others. What we need is an unshakeable and unchanging standard, something absolute.
Standard: A rule or principle used as a basis for judgment.
Absolute: Free from imperfection; complete; perfect: absolute liberty.
Purity can either be Absolute or Relative. Absolute Purity is God's unchanging standard throughout time, while Relative Purity is that swaying standard that we can always tailor to fit our needs.
We all make mistakes that go against God's word, so how can we live an absolute life of purity? A wise man once said, "Nothing is more satisfying than doing what your heart desires and knowing that what your heart desires is right. But nothing is more destructive than doing what your heart desires and knowing that what your heart desires is wrong."
What the Filipino people need is not a better heart but a new heart.
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My statutes and carefully observe My ordinances. - Ezekiel 36:26-27
Derek Ross, National Director, True Love Waits Philippines
True Love Waits Philippines is a non-government organization that is committed to helping Filipino youth live a life of purity. Our heart is to help equip the youth of this nation to live a pure life both now, and in the future as they help lead the Philippines. We are an organization that is solely supported by concerned individuals and groups.
See our website (http://www.tlw.ph/support-tlw/) for information on how you can
invest in achieving purity in the lives of Filipino youth.
(P.S: TLW Leader's Guide and Purity resources coming out on January 2012! Be sure to check www.wagmuna.com for updates.)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Weekly News (First Week of October 2011)
1. Vatican Daily Remembers Steve Jobs as 'Visionary' of Technology and Art
Rome, Italy, Oct 6, 2011 / 04:19 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano remembered Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, as a “visionary who united technology and art.” [Read More]
2. New Revelation: RH Bill Price Tag = P13.7 Billion
MANILA, Oct. 5, 2011–It took a Lito Lapid to finally reveal one of the pro-RH lobby’s well-kept secrets: the gargantuan price tag of the proposed contraceptive welfare program. [Read More]
3. Possible Contraception Link to HIV Spread in Africa
Seattle, Wash., Oct 7, 2011 / 03:07 pm (CNA).- Contraceptive use in Africa may increase the risk of acquiring HIV for both men and women, a new study says. [Read More]
4. ‘La Naval de Manila’ Focuses on Sanctity of Life
THE National Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, better known as Santo Domingo Church, in Quezon City is all set to welcome devotees for the celebration of the feast of La Naval de Manila on Sunday. [Read More]
5. Officials Admit U.S. Census Inflated Numbers of ‘Married’ Same-Sex Households By Over 160%
LOS ANGELES, October 4, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The federal government inflated census figures for “married” same-sex households by over 160%, the U.S. Census Bureau announced September 27. Officials revised their count of same-sex couples who described themselves as “spouses” from 349,377 to 131,729. They also revised their count of same-sex unmarried-partner households from 552,620 to 514,735. [Read More]
6. Major Pro-Life Document, San Jose Articles, Launched at UN
New York, NY (LifeNews/CFAM) — It is commonplace now for UN officials and American law professors to tell foreign governments that they are required by international law to liberalize their abortion laws. [Read More]
7. What Society Needs Is an Extreme Makeover, Catholic Style
If we can learn anything from any or all of the current extreme-makeover shows, it’s that we are continually in need of our own extreme spiritual makeover. [Read More]
8. Gay Ex-Soldier, Advocate Says He'll Re-Enlist
WASHINGTON (AP) — A gay West Point graduate who was discharged from the Army for revealing his sexual orientation says he has begun the process of re-enlisting now that the "don't ask, don't tell" policy has been repealed. [Read More]
9. Study: Most Priests Are Happy, Appreciate Celibacy
WASHINGTON, D.C., OCT. 5, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Priests in general are among the happiest members of society, says Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, and contrary to secular opinion, most embrace celibacy as a positive aspect of their vocation. [Read More]
10. Pray a Rosary a Day
Every day we eat, sleep, work etc. But do we find time to pray the Rosary?
Is there a better time to start the practice of praying the Rosary daily than in October, the month of the Rosary? [Read More]
Rome, Italy, Oct 6, 2011 / 04:19 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano remembered Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, as a “visionary who united technology and art.” [Read More]
2. New Revelation: RH Bill Price Tag = P13.7 Billion
MANILA, Oct. 5, 2011–It took a Lito Lapid to finally reveal one of the pro-RH lobby’s well-kept secrets: the gargantuan price tag of the proposed contraceptive welfare program. [Read More]
3. Possible Contraception Link to HIV Spread in Africa
Seattle, Wash., Oct 7, 2011 / 03:07 pm (CNA).- Contraceptive use in Africa may increase the risk of acquiring HIV for both men and women, a new study says. [Read More]
4. ‘La Naval de Manila’ Focuses on Sanctity of Life
THE National Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, better known as Santo Domingo Church, in Quezon City is all set to welcome devotees for the celebration of the feast of La Naval de Manila on Sunday. [Read More]
5. Officials Admit U.S. Census Inflated Numbers of ‘Married’ Same-Sex Households By Over 160%
LOS ANGELES, October 4, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The federal government inflated census figures for “married” same-sex households by over 160%, the U.S. Census Bureau announced September 27. Officials revised their count of same-sex couples who described themselves as “spouses” from 349,377 to 131,729. They also revised their count of same-sex unmarried-partner households from 552,620 to 514,735. [Read More]
6. Major Pro-Life Document, San Jose Articles, Launched at UN
New York, NY (LifeNews/CFAM) — It is commonplace now for UN officials and American law professors to tell foreign governments that they are required by international law to liberalize their abortion laws. [Read More]
7. What Society Needs Is an Extreme Makeover, Catholic Style
If we can learn anything from any or all of the current extreme-makeover shows, it’s that we are continually in need of our own extreme spiritual makeover. [Read More]
8. Gay Ex-Soldier, Advocate Says He'll Re-Enlist
WASHINGTON (AP) — A gay West Point graduate who was discharged from the Army for revealing his sexual orientation says he has begun the process of re-enlisting now that the "don't ask, don't tell" policy has been repealed. [Read More]
9. Study: Most Priests Are Happy, Appreciate Celibacy
WASHINGTON, D.C., OCT. 5, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Priests in general are among the happiest members of society, says Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, and contrary to secular opinion, most embrace celibacy as a positive aspect of their vocation. [Read More]
10. Pray a Rosary a Day
Every day we eat, sleep, work etc. But do we find time to pray the Rosary?
Is there a better time to start the practice of praying the Rosary daily than in October, the month of the Rosary? [Read More]
Thursday, October 6, 2011
A Million Roses for The World

A Million Roses for The World is a prayer campaign to enlist a million Filipinos to pray the rosary for peace for all the nations of the world from Oct. 10, 2011, to May 30, 2012. This movement is an initiative of Family Rosary Crusade Philippines. This month of the Holy Rosary, let us enjoin all Catholic Christians in the Philippines to rediscover the gospel prayer, which is the rosary.
The Secret of the Rosary
The following are some excerpts taken from the book entitled “The Secret of the Rosary” by St. Louis Marie De Montfort. Hopefully they will help our readers to understand the power and importance of reciting the Rosary faithfully every day.
There was a certain pious but self-willed lady who lived in Rome during the time of Saint Dominic. She was so devout and so fervent that she put to shame by her holy life even the strictest religious in the Church.
Having decided to ask Saint Dominic's advice about her spiritual life, she asked him to hear her confession. For her penance, he gave her one whole Rosary to say, and advised her to say it every day. She said that she had no time to say it, excusing herself on the grounds that she made the Stations of Rome every day, that she wore sack-cloth and also a hair shirt, that she gave herself the discipline several times a week, that she carried out so many other penances and fasted so much. Saint Dominic urged her over and over again to take his advice and say the Rosary, but she would not hear of it. She left the confessional horrified at the tactics of this new spiritual director who had tried so hard to persuade her to take on a devotion that was not at all to her liking.
Later on when she was in prayer, she fell into ecstasy and had a vision of her soul appearing before Our Lord's Judgment Seat. Saint Michael put all her penances and other prayers onto one balance of the scales, and all her sins and imperfections onto the other. The tray of her good works was greatly outweighed by that of her sins and imperfections.
Filled with terror, she cried for mercy, imploring the help of the Blessed Virgin, her glorious Advocate, who took the one and only Rosary that she had said for her penance and dropped it onto the tray of her good works. The one Rosary was so heavy that it weighed more than all her sins as well as all her good works. Our Lady then reproved her for having refused to follow the counsel of Her servant Dominic, and for not saying the Rosary every day.
As soon as she came to herself, she rushed and threw herself at the feet of Saint Dominic and told him all that had happened, begged his forgiveness for her unbelief, and promised to say the Rosary faithfully every day. By this means, she rose to Christian perfection, and finally to the glory of everlasting life.
* * *
In 1460, Blessed Alan de la Roche received a special warning from Our Lord. This is how he received His urgent message, as he tells it himself:
One day when he was saying Mass, Our Lord, who wished to spur him on to preach the Holy Rosary, spoke to him in the Sacred Host: “How can you crucify Me again so soon?” Jesus said. “What did you say, Lord?” asked Blessed Alan, horrified. “You crucified Me once before by your sins,” answered Jesus, “and I would willingly be crucified again rather than have My Father offended by the sins you used to commit. You are crucifying Me again now because you have all the learning and understanding that you need to preach My Mother's Rosary, and you are not doing so. If you only did this, you could teach many souls the right path and lead them away from sin — but you are not doing it, and so you yourself are guilty of the sins that they commit.”
This terrible reproach made Blessed Alan solemnly resolve to preach the Rosary unceasingly.
* * *
Alphonsus, King of Leon and Galicia, very much wanted all his servants to honor the Blessed Virgin by saying the Rosary. So he used to hang a large Rosary on his belt and always wore it, but unfortunately never said it himself. Nevertheless his wearing it encouraged his courtiers to say the Rosary very devoutly.One day, the King fell seriously ill, and when he was given up for dead, he found himself, in a vision, before the judgment seat of Our Lord. Many devils were there accusing him of all the sins he had committed, and Our Lord, as Sovereign Judge, was just about to condemn him to hell when Our Lady appeared to intercede for him. She called for a pair of scales, and had his sins placed in one of the balances whereas She put the Rosary that he had always worn on the other scale, together with all the Rosaries that had been said because of his example. It was found that the Rosaries weighed more than his sins.
Looking at him with great kindness, Our Lady said: “As a reward for this little honor that you paid Me in wearing My Rosary, I have obtained a great grace for you from My Son. Your life will be spared for a few more years. See that you spend these years wisely, and do penance.”
When the King regained consciousness, he cried out: “Blessed by the Rosary of the Most Holy Virgin Mary by which I have been delivered from eternal damnation!”
After he had recovered his health, he spent the rest of his life in spreading devotion to the Holy Rosary, and said it faithfully every day.
* * *
One day, Saint Gertrude had a vision of Our Lord counting gold coins. She summoned the courage to ask Him what He was doing. He answered: “I am counting the Hail Mary's that you have said; this is the money with which you can pay your way to Heaven.”
* * *
Blessed Alan de la Roche says that a nun who had always had a great devotion to the Holy Rosary appeared after death to one of her sisters in religion, and said to her: “If I were allowed to go back into my body to have the chance of saying just one single Hail Mary — even if I said it quickly and without great fervor — I would gladly go through the suffering that I had during my last illness all over again in order to gain the merit of this prayer.” This is all the more compelling because she had been bedridden and had suffered agonizing pains for several years before she died.
* * *
Our Lady once said to Blessed Alan de la Roche in a vision: “When people say one-hundred and fifty Angelic Salutations, this prayer is very helpful to them and is a very pleasing tribute to Me. But they will do better still and will please Me even more if they say these salutations while meditating on the life, death, and passion of Jesus Christ — for this meditation is the soul of this prayer.”
For, in reality, the Rosary said without meditating on the sacred mysteries of our salvation would be almost like a body without a soul: excellent matter but without the form which is meditation — this latter being that which sets it apart from all other devotions.
Our Lady also revealed to Blessed Alan that no sooner had Saint Dominic begun preaching the Rosary than hardened sinners were touched and wept bitterly over their grievous sins. Young children performed incredible penances, and everywhere that he preached the Holy Rosary, such fervor arose that sinners changed their lives and edified everyone by their penances and change of heart.
Blessed Albert the Great learned in a revelation that by simply thinking of, or meditating on, the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Christian gains more merit than if he had fasted on bread and water every Friday for a whole year, or had beaten himself with his discipline once a week until the blood flowed, or had recited the whole Book of Psalms every day. If this is so, then how great must be the merit that we can gain by the Holy Rosary which commemorates the whole life and passion of Our Savior!
One day, Our Lady revealed to Blessed Alan that, after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the most important as well as the living memorial of Our Blessed Lord's passion, there could not possibly be a finer devotion nor one of greater merit than that of the Holy Rosary, which is like a second memorial and representation of the life and passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
* * *
When Saint Dominic was preaching the Rosary near Carcassone, an Albigensian was brought to him who was possessed by the devil. Saint Dominic exorcised him in the presence of a great crowd of people; it appears that over twelve thousand had come to hear him preach.
During the exorcism, the demon was forced to speak the following about devotion to the Mother of God: “Listen well, you Christians: the Mother of Jesus Christ is all-powerful, and She can save Her servants from falling into hell. She is the Sun which destroys the darkness of our wiles. It is She who uncovers our hidden plots, breaks our snares, and makes our temptations useless and ineffectual.
“We have to say, however reluctantly, that not a single soul who has really persevered in Her service has ever been damned with us; one single sigh that She offers to the Blessed Trinity is worth far more than all the prayers, desires, and aspirations of all the saints.
“We fear Her more than all the other saints in Heaven together, and we have no success with Her faithful servants. Many Christians who call upon Her when they are in the hour of death, and who really ought to be damned according to our ordinary standards, are saved by Her intercession.
“Oh, if only that Mary (it is thus in their fury that they called Her) had not pitted Her strength against ours and had not upset our plans, we should have conquered the Church and should have destroyed it long before this, and we would have seen to it that all of the Orders in the Church fell into error and disorder.
“Now that we are forced to speak, we must also tell you this: nobody who perseveres in saying the Rosary will be damned, because She obtains for Her servants the grace of true contrition for their sins, and by means of this they obtain God's forgiveness and mercy.”
* * *
From John Paul II's Message for World Youth Day 2003:
“Dear young people, do not be ashamed to recite the Rosary alone, while you walk along the streets to school, to the university or to work, or as you commute by public transport. Adopt the habit of reciting it among yourselves, in your groups, movements and associations. Do not hesitate to suggest that it be recited at home by your parents and brothers and sisters, because it rekindles and strengthens the bonds between family members. This prayer will help you to be strong in your faith, constant in charity, joyful and persevering in hope.”
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Kerygma Conference 2011: Glory To Glory

The biggest Catholic inspirational event is here once more come November 18-20, 2011! Check out the following learning streams and attend the talk that best suits you. Tickets are available at all SM Ticket Net outlets or at a weekly Feast near you.
Visit www.kerygmaconference.com for more information.
Visit www.kerygmaconference.com for more information.
November 18, 2011 (Friday)
Leadership Conference
"Real Glory"
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
PICC Plenary Hall, CCP Complex
Roxas Boulevard, Manila
Ticket Price: P800
Leadership Conference
"Real Glory"
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
PICC Plenary Hall, CCP Complex
Roxas Boulevard, Manila
Ticket Price: P800
1. Life Leadership
Act on God's Calling to Lead
2. Leadership In Full
Experience God's Glory as Human Being Fully Alive
3. Glory at Work
Bring Christ to Your Workplace and Daily Life
4. The Soul Leader
Learn the Characteristics of a True Leader
5. The Power of A Leader
Receive the Anointing for the Mission
Opening Concert
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
CCP Open Grounds, CCP Complex,
Roxas Boulevard, Manila
1. Life Leadership
Act on God's Calling to Lead
2. Leadership In Full
Experience God's Glory as Human Being Fully Alive
3. Glory at Work
Bring Christ to Your Workplace and Daily Life
4. The Soul Leader
Learn the Characteristics of a True Leader
5. The Power of A Leader
Receive the Anointing for the Mission
Opening Concert
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
CCP Open Grounds, CCP Complex,
Roxas Boulevard, Manila
November 19, 2011
Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Choose from any of seven simultaneous streams)
Ticket Price: P600 (except Youth Stream P300)
Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Choose from any of seven simultaneous streams)
Ticket Price: P600 (except Youth Stream P300)
Family Stream
"Multiply The Glory"
"Multiply The Glory"
(PICC Plenary Hall, CCP Complex)
1. 3D Marriage
Make Your Marriage a Three-Way Relationship between You, Your Spouse and God
2. 42K: The Marriage Marathon
Learn How To Make Your Marriage Last
3. A.B.C (Affirm, Bridge, Connect)
Learn to Relate and Stay Friends with Your Teenagers
Make Your Marriage a Three-Way Relationship between You, Your Spouse and God
2. 42K: The Marriage Marathon
Learn How To Make Your Marriage Last
3. A.B.C (Affirm, Bridge, Connect)
Learn to Relate and Stay Friends with Your Teenagers
Singles Stream
Go For Glory
(Aliw Theater)
Go For Glory
(Aliw Theater)
1. God in the Waking, God in the Working
Glory God in Your Profession
2. What's God Got to Do with It.
Purity in Dating
3. Is Anybody Out There?
Finding Your Life Partner
4. Christian On Call
This is the Best Time For You to Serve God
Youth Stream
Transformers: Rise of The Youth
(World Trade Center Tent)
1. Optimist Prime
Believe in Yourself and Build Strong Self-Esteem
2. Humble Bee
Experience the Anointing and Obedience and Respect
3. Protect and Enjoy
Program Yourself for Purity and Chastity
4. Roll out
Stand-up for the Faith and Serve God in Mission
Transformers: Rise of The Youth
(World Trade Center Tent)
1. Optimist Prime
Believe in Yourself and Build Strong Self-Esteem
2. Humble Bee
Experience the Anointing and Obedience and Respect
3. Protect and Enjoy
Program Yourself for Purity and Chastity
4. Roll out
Stand-up for the Faith and Serve God in Mission
Inner Healing Stream
Renew The Glory
(PICC Reception Hall)
1. Forgiveness: The Key to Healing
You Can't Carry the Cross if You're Carrying Resentment
2. Wounded Warrior: Healing the Wounded Identity
Renew Your Self Image
3. Healing the Wounded Heart
Overcome Hurts and Emotional Wounds
4. Healing the Wounded Family
Restore Your Relationships
(PICC Reception Hall)
1. Forgiveness: The Key to Healing
You Can't Carry the Cross if You're Carrying Resentment
2. Wounded Warrior: Healing the Wounded Identity
Renew Your Self Image
3. Healing the Wounded Heart
Overcome Hurts and Emotional Wounds
4. Healing the Wounded Family
Restore Your Relationships
Faith Stream
The Glory of Believing
(Le Pavillon)
1. Daddy: The Pope
Get to Know the Man Whom God Entrusted His Flock
2. Devotion: The Blessed Virgin Mary
Discover Her Role In Our Salvation History
3. Dining: The Holy Eucharist
Feed Your Soul By Deepening Your Knowledge about the Center of Every Catholic Life
4. Declaration: The Creed
Embrace Your Core Beliefs and Stand Up for Your Faith as a Proud Catholic
The Glory of Believing
(Le Pavillon)
1. Daddy: The Pope
Get to Know the Man Whom God Entrusted His Flock
2. Devotion: The Blessed Virgin Mary
Discover Her Role In Our Salvation History
3. Dining: The Holy Eucharist
Feed Your Soul By Deepening Your Knowledge about the Center of Every Catholic Life
4. Declaration: The Creed
Embrace Your Core Beliefs and Stand Up for Your Faith as a Proud Catholic
Solo Parents Stream
Raising Glory
(PICC Meeting Room 11)
1. Bullet or Badge
How Do You Wear Your Single Parenthood
2. I Do... Again
Raising Glory
(PICC Meeting Room 11)
1. Bullet or Badge
How Do You Wear Your Single Parenthood
2. I Do... Again
To Remarry or Not
Single Blessedness Stream
A Glorious Calling
(PICC Meeting Rm 12)
1. The Road Less Travelled
You Don't Have to be Married to be Happy
2. Solo, Not Low
Discover the Richness of the Solo State
3. Life Purpose, Heart's Desire
The Mission of a Blessed Single
4. Ready to Mingle
Surround Yourself with Friends in the Same Journey
A Glorious Calling
(PICC Meeting Rm 12)
1. The Road Less Travelled
You Don't Have to be Married to be Happy
2. Solo, Not Low
Discover the Richness of the Solo State
3. Life Purpose, Heart's Desire
The Mission of a Blessed Single
4. Ready to Mingle
Surround Yourself with Friends in the Same Journey
November 20, 2011
Sunday, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Grand Feast
CCP Open Grounds, CCP Complex
Roxas Boulevard, Manila
Sunday, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Grand Feast
CCP Open Grounds, CCP Complex
Roxas Boulevard, Manila
(Note: Kerygma Conference 2011 will also be held in Cebu and Davao. Please log on to www.kerygmaconference.com for full details.)
"But we all...are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory." - 2 Cor 3:18
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weekly News (Fifth Week of Sept 2011)
1. Pontiff Proposes Silence for Communicators
World Communications Day Message Announced
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 29, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is asking those professionally dedicated to spreading a message, to stop and hear a message: to be silent and welcome the Word of God. [Read More]
2. Contraceptive Use Keeps Husbands “From Respecting Wife’s Equilibrium” – NFP Trainor
MANILA, Sept. 27, 2011–Contraceptive sex tends to lead to the woman’s being treated by the man as a mere source of selfish pleasure, with little or no regard for her feelings, according to a natural family planning (NFP) teacher. [Read More]
3. Solons Come Out Against RH Bill
MANILA, Sept. 27, 2011–Nine young legislators have proclaimed their opposition to House Bill 4244 or the Reproductive Health (RH) bill in a statement released Monday through several broadsheets. [Read More]
4. Observers See Gay Agenda Threatening Religious Freedom
Denver, Colo., Sep 27, 2011 / 06:14 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Legalizing “gay marriage” is having major repercussions for religious freedom, according to observers of the latest developments. [Read More]
5. U.S.: Military Chaplains May Perform Same-Sex Unions
A conservative military watchdog is outraged over the Pentagon's announcement on Friday that military chaplains may perform same-sex unions, whether on or off a military installation. [Read More]
6. Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Second State Abortion Ban Law
The Mexico Supreme Court has delivered a second victory for pro-life advocates there just one day after upholding a first state law protecting unborn children from abortions by validating a second. [Read More]
7. UN Toys with Euthanasia, Considers New Treaty on Aging
NEW YORK, September 29 (C-FAM) - The Holy See condemned attempts to inject euthanasia into the right to health, and Latin American and Caribbean delegations called for a new UN treaty at two recent UN meetings on the rights of the elderly. [Read More]
8. Major Study: Changing Sexual Orientation is Possible
WHEATON, Illinois, September 29, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Therapists who favor normalizing homosexuality say that it is impossible to change sexual orientation, and that the attempt to change is inherently harmful. However, the final results of a long-term study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy has joined hundreds of other studies in concluding that such therapy is both possible and potentially well-indicated for many individuals. [Read More]
9. Petition Against PayPal Discrimination Reaches 7,400 Signatures - PayPal Stonewalls
September 28, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Despite the fact that more than 7,400 people have signed a petition asking PayPal not to succumb to pressure by homosexual activists, who are urging the company to eliminate Christian activists from its service, so far PayPal has issued no response. [Read More]
10. Modesty At Mass Is a Must
The importance of dressing for God, not the culture. [Read More]
World Communications Day Message Announced
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 29, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is asking those professionally dedicated to spreading a message, to stop and hear a message: to be silent and welcome the Word of God. [Read More]
2. Contraceptive Use Keeps Husbands “From Respecting Wife’s Equilibrium” – NFP Trainor
MANILA, Sept. 27, 2011–Contraceptive sex tends to lead to the woman’s being treated by the man as a mere source of selfish pleasure, with little or no regard for her feelings, according to a natural family planning (NFP) teacher. [Read More]
3. Solons Come Out Against RH Bill
MANILA, Sept. 27, 2011–Nine young legislators have proclaimed their opposition to House Bill 4244 or the Reproductive Health (RH) bill in a statement released Monday through several broadsheets. [Read More]
4. Observers See Gay Agenda Threatening Religious Freedom
Denver, Colo., Sep 27, 2011 / 06:14 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Legalizing “gay marriage” is having major repercussions for religious freedom, according to observers of the latest developments. [Read More]
5. U.S.: Military Chaplains May Perform Same-Sex Unions
A conservative military watchdog is outraged over the Pentagon's announcement on Friday that military chaplains may perform same-sex unions, whether on or off a military installation. [Read More]
6. Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Second State Abortion Ban Law
The Mexico Supreme Court has delivered a second victory for pro-life advocates there just one day after upholding a first state law protecting unborn children from abortions by validating a second. [Read More]
7. UN Toys with Euthanasia, Considers New Treaty on Aging
NEW YORK, September 29 (C-FAM) - The Holy See condemned attempts to inject euthanasia into the right to health, and Latin American and Caribbean delegations called for a new UN treaty at two recent UN meetings on the rights of the elderly. [Read More]
8. Major Study: Changing Sexual Orientation is Possible
WHEATON, Illinois, September 29, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Therapists who favor normalizing homosexuality say that it is impossible to change sexual orientation, and that the attempt to change is inherently harmful. However, the final results of a long-term study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy has joined hundreds of other studies in concluding that such therapy is both possible and potentially well-indicated for many individuals. [Read More]
9. Petition Against PayPal Discrimination Reaches 7,400 Signatures - PayPal Stonewalls
September 28, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Despite the fact that more than 7,400 people have signed a petition asking PayPal not to succumb to pressure by homosexual activists, who are urging the company to eliminate Christian activists from its service, so far PayPal has issued no response. [Read More]
10. Modesty At Mass Is a Must
The importance of dressing for God, not the culture. [Read More]
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