Courage is an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church that provides spiritual support for men and women with same-sex attractions who desire to develop lives of interior chastity in union with Christ.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Weekly News (Fourth Week of January 2011)
1. Pontiff Plans Full Schedule for Holy Week, Easter
Will Lead Vesper Service for Consecrated Life Day
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 27, 2011 ( Benedict XVI will preside at a full schedule of Holy Week and Easter events this April, the Vatican is reporting. [Read More]
2. Pro-Life Month Stresses Pro-Life Family Values
MANILA, Jan. 29, 2011—A series of activities aimed to highlight the value of family and sanctity of life will be part of the month-long celebration of Pro-Life month this February. [Read More]
3. True Religious Freedom Includes Christians in Europe and Middle East, Expert Says
Vienna, Austria, Jan 28, 2011 / 06:15 am (CNA).- A true understanding of religious freedom which includes Christians in public life is the corrective for both the “subtle” discrimination facing European Christians and the open intolerance for Christianity elsewhere, an Italian religion expert said. [Read More]
4. Military To Unveil Homosexual Indoctrination Plan
WASHINGTON - Officials say Pentagon leaders will roll out a plan Friday that is expected to give the military services about three months to train their forces on the new law allowing "gays" to serve openly. [Read More]
5. Porn - The 'Elephant In The Pew'
Churches throughout the world are being encouraged to observe International Porn Sunday next week. [Read More]
6. French Watchdog Says No to Same-Sex Marriage
Paris (AP) - France's law prohibiting gay marriage does not violate the constitution, the country's top constitutional watchdog ruled Friday, all but challenging parliament to debate overturning the ban. [Read More]
7. Women Who Had Abortions: Latest Mental Health Study Bogus
Although a new study claims women suffer few mental health problems in the aftermath of an abortion, women who have had abortions or work with those who have say the personal evidence significantly counters the study’s results. [Read More]
8. Canadian Blood Services Seeks End to Gay Donor Ban
OTTAWA, January 27, 2011 ( – A spokesperson for the Canadian Blood Services (CBS), the federal blood donor agency, told the Toronto Star yesterday that the lifetime ban on homosexual men donating blood is outdated and needs to be loosened. [Read More]
9. When a Pupil Has 2 Daddies
Boston Catholic schools will accept kids of same-sex ‘parents,’ but other dioceses take a different approach. The Archdiocese of Boston has decreed that children of same-sex couples can enroll in its parochial schools. [Read More]
10. Canadian Bishops Call Youth to Chastity
OTTAWA, Ontario, January 27, 2011 ( - Youth are called to embrace the challenge of chastity by dedicating themselves to prayer, surrounding themselves with supportive friends, dressing modestly, and choosing entertainment wisely, say the Canadian bishops in a new pastoral letter to young people released Tuesday. [Read More]
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Turning Controversy Into Church Ministry - A Christlike Response to Homosexuality

About The Book
While some churches debate the issue of homosexuality and others completely avoid it, struggling people fall through the cracks. This is a book for Christians and church leaders who want to risk above the debate and make a difference in the world by thinking, acting, and speaking in ways that express both redemptive truth and Christlike love.
Pastor Bill Campbell shares insights, tools, and practical guidelines for any congregation that wishes to see Christians positively influence how the larger culture frames the issue of same-sex attraction. He demonstrates how readers can converse in a truthful, loving, and insightful manner about such topics as the nature/nurture debate, law vs. grace, and Scripture’s call to holiness. Campbell suggests ways churches can build ministry in leadership training, preaching, support groups, mentoring/counseling, and outreach.
Turning Controversy Into Church Ministry provides the right blend of information, practical action steps, and guidelines for Christian renewal so that controversy about homosexuality can become the launching pad for vital ministry.
About The Author
W.P. Campbell (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Hendersonville, North Carolina. He began researching, debating, and writing about homosexuality and the church over twenty years ago. Bill serves on the advisory board of OneByOne, a ministry that equips churches to bring truth and grace to those who struggle with same-sex attraction. Bill and his wife, Lin, live in western North Carolina and have three children.
Truth Meets Grace
Throughout the book, the author emphasizes the importance of combining truth and grace when ministering to people with SSA:
Jesus did not hide the truth; he called the adulteress to repentance. But neither did he insult her, condemn her, or throw her out. His grace embraced her and sent her forth to live a better life. If he had demonstrated grace without truth, he would have let her stagger down the path of personal destruction. If he had spoken truth without grace, he would have clubbed her with the law and sentenced her to stoning by the crowd.
Truth and grace – have you ever tried putting those two together without minimizing either? Without God’s help, it is a daunting task. Grace without truth hampers, confuses, and even deceives. Truth without grace cuts, wounds, and destroys. Those who approach thorny matters such as sexual addiction, homosexuality, and adultery with only truth become experts at alienation. Those who bring love into such discussions but avoid the truth are unable to confront patterns of behavior that hurt self and society. Both are important; neither can function properly without the other. Salt is essential to the body, but separated into its two elements, sodium and chloride, it can be deadly. (p. 13)
Truth and grace – have you ever tried putting those two together without minimizing either? Without God’s help, it is a daunting task. Grace without truth hampers, confuses, and even deceives. Truth without grace cuts, wounds, and destroys. Those who approach thorny matters such as sexual addiction, homosexuality, and adultery with only truth become experts at alienation. Those who bring love into such discussions but avoid the truth are unable to confront patterns of behavior that hurt self and society. Both are important; neither can function properly without the other. Salt is essential to the body, but separated into its two elements, sodium and chloride, it can be deadly. (p. 13)
The Controversy
Much of the 'controversy' surrounding homosexuality arises from our failure to see the grand picture. Homosexuality is a multifaceted issue and in medical parlance multifactorial. Due to its complexity, the SSA condition is poorly understood even by those in the church hierarchy. As an example, the 'born gay born that way' theory is sowing so much confusion in the minds of the people out of a belief in the existence of a gay gene, which has not been scientifically documented thus far.
When dealing with homosexuals, there is a tendency to be 'overcompassionate' (gay affirming - strong in grace, weak in truth) or to be 'overbearing' (gay bashing - strong in truth, weak in grace). Others take the side of being indifferent or fearful because the issue seems too confusing, too political, and too divisive. Thus, the only way out is a Christlike response - a church whose members love the homosexuals but is at the same time firm in upholding the biblical standards of sexual morality pertaining to homosexuality. This is the kind of church we need today - a church that is strong both in truth and grace. This is what constitutes a dynamic ministry.
I like the way Pastor Campbell tackles the issue of homosexuality in a comprehensive and balanced manner. He does not only offer a sound biblical approach but he also delves into the psychological and biological aspects in an attempt to clarify widespread misconceptions and beliefs and expand our understanding of the subject. On the second half of the book, he offers us the blueprint on how we are to go about in ministering to persons with SSA. This is very important especially for us who are directly involved in the ministry. At the end of each chapter, there is a section devoted to people who have left the gay lifestyle and are now ministering in their own way to fellow SSA strugglers. Their testimonials are powerful. This is proof that change is very much possible and that God's grace is at work in transforming the lives of those who seek the truth. At the end of the book, there are questions for personal and group reflection and a list of books, websites, and other ministry resources.
The Ministry
In his book Pastor Campbell offers these ten ministry essentials:
1. The best way to avoid extremes is to follow Christ’s example.
2. Churches that blend uncompromised grace and truth are positioned for dynamic ministry.
3. Ministry begins when we connect brokenness in our hearts with brokenness in others.
4. Church leadership is about godly role models, not rights.
5. We must embrace the whole of Scripture to keep our lives whole.
6. Our genes bear the shadow of the fallen creation. They do not overshadow righteous living,
however, for those who are new creations in Christ.
7. The law leads us to Christ, who enables us to fulfill it.
8. The goal is not to move from homosexuality to heterosexuality, but from homosexuality to holiness.
9. Where sin abounds, God’s grace is greater still.
10. With God, nothing is impossible and no one is unreachable. (p. 17)
Table of Contents
Part 1
1. The Feet: Where Your Church Stands
2. The Heart: How Your Church Cares
3. The Head: Who Your Church Follows
Part 2
Creation and Science: Did God Create Homosexuality?
4. The Landscape: The Grand Sweep of the Bible
5. The Source: The Genetics Question
Standards and Psychology: Which Norms Are Still Relevant?
6. The Law: Separating Temporal from Eternal
7. The Wisdom: Insights from Psychology
Compassion and the Church: Does God Really Care?
8. The Grace: Sodom Revisited
9. The Potential: Life-Changing Power
Part 3
10. Blueprint: Six Ministry Spheres
Foundation: What Every Church Needs
11. Motivation: Prayer
12. Vision: Leadership
13. Healing: Family Values
Structure: Your Unique Ministry
14. Growth: Mentors and Counselors
15. Support: Small Group Ministry
16. Celebration: Outreach
Conclusion: The Big Picture
Questions for Personal or Group Reflection
Additional Ministry Resources
Final Word
I want to personally thank the author of this book himself, Pastor Bill Campbell, for giving space for Courage Philippines in his book on pages 205-206 and for sending us a copy of his book which I am now reviewing. Meanwhile, please watch this short video as the author narrates why this book is a must read for Christians today.
Monday, January 24, 2011
UST: 400 Years of Unending Grace

The long wait is over.
The University of Santo Tomas Quadricentennial Week is on the roar with the line-up of the following activities. Please take note that the quadricentennial celebration is a year-long affair. In connection with its 400th year anniversary, the UST Santisimo Rosario Church has received an extraordinary grant of plenary indulgence from Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope said he is giving a plenary indulgence on all those who will go to the UST church from January 2011 to January 2012 under the usual conditions of Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father.
For a related post visit this site.
January 24, 2011
* 3:30 pm
o Opening of the Quadricentennial Fair, UST Plaza Mayor
* 5:15 pm
o Opening of the Jubilee Door
o Opening Eucharist for the Q Week, UST Chapel
January 25, 2011
* 7:00 pm
o Q Short Film Festival Awards Night, UST Plaza Mayor
January 26, 2011
* 8:00 am
o Q PARADE, Mendiola to UST Plaza Mayor
* 9:00 am
o Opening of the International Council of the Universities of St. Thomas Aquinas (ICUSTA) Conference , UST Chapel
* 5:00 pm
o Cavalleria Rusticana Opera, UST Medicine Auditorium
January 27, 2011
* 9:00 am
o ICUSTA Conference, UST TARC (Thomas Aquinas Research Center) Auditorium
* 6:30 pm
o Unveiling of the Quattromondial Monument, Quadricentennial Square
* 7:00 pm
o Q Grand Program, UST Grandstand and Open Field
January 28, 2011
* 8:00 am
o UST ALPA (Alumni Priests Association) Homecoming, UST Central Seminary Gymnasium
* 5:00 pm
o Q Thanksgiving Mass, UST Grandstand and Open Field
* 7:00 pm
o One@400: Q Grand Alumni Homecoming Dinner, UST Plaza Mayor and Benavides Park
(+ Tickets sold at P1,590 may be purchased from TicketNet at all SM Department Store Customer Service Areas and at the Araneta Coliseum ticket booths. You may call 911.5555 or visit
January 24-27, 2011
* Quadricentennial Fair
For more updates please visit the UST Quadri Facebook account.
Proud to be a Thomasian!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Weekly News (Third Week of January 2011)
1. Pope’s Second Book on Jesus Due Out March 15
Vatican City, Jan 20, 2011 / 07:10 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Barring any problems at the publishers, the second volume of Pope Benedict XVI’s two-volume biblical study, “Jesus of Nazareth,” will be out during Lent. [Read More]
2. Pope Envoy to Open UST’s 400th Year Fete
MANILA, Jan. 21, 2011—A ranking Vatican official will pay a visit to Manila next week to grace the 400th anniversary celebration of the University of Santo Tomas (UST), the oldest university in Asia. [Read More]
3. EWTN to Acquire National Catholic Register
Affirms Plans to Expand Internet Presence
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, JAN. 19, 2011 ( The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) is announcing its plans to take over the National Catholic Register. [Read More]
4. Military Under The Gun of LGBT Activists
A Christian attorney and pro-family activist says the radical "transgender" activists' push for clearance to serve in the military could awaken America to the dangers of allowing people living alternate lifestyles to wear the uniform. [Read More]
5. Innovative Program Brings Values, Virtues to Sex Education
What passes for “sex education” these days is often considered pornographic and highly offensive to traditional community standards. [Read More]
6. House Approves Bill Repealing Abortion-Funding Obamacare
The House of Representatives today fulfilled its election mandate to repeal the bill that caused Republicans to sweep into office and install a new pro-life majority. [Read More]
7. EU Sparks Outrage by Financing Homosexualist Groups in Cameroon
CAMEROON, January 21, 2011 (—Government officials and citizen organizations in the African nation of Cameroon are denouncing a decision by the European Union to send over 300,000 euros to three local organizations that work against the nation’s anti-sodomy laws. [Read More]
8. The TV Shows and Movies That Promoted Homosexuality The Most in 2010
LOS ANGELES, CA, January 21, 2011 ( – America’s Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) announced nominations yesterday for the TV shows, movies, and artists that promoted homosexuality the most in 2010. [Read More]
9. Marching for Life Across America
WASHINGTON — The annual March for Life is scheduled for next Monday, Jan. 24. Not everyone can make the trip to Washington, D.C. But that doesn’t leave thousands of supporters from large cities and small towns across America out in the cold. [Read More]
10. "Vatican Warned Bishops Not To Report Child Abuse"! [Read More]
Vatican City, Jan 20, 2011 / 07:10 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Barring any problems at the publishers, the second volume of Pope Benedict XVI’s two-volume biblical study, “Jesus of Nazareth,” will be out during Lent. [Read More]
2. Pope Envoy to Open UST’s 400th Year Fete
MANILA, Jan. 21, 2011—A ranking Vatican official will pay a visit to Manila next week to grace the 400th anniversary celebration of the University of Santo Tomas (UST), the oldest university in Asia. [Read More]
3. EWTN to Acquire National Catholic Register
Affirms Plans to Expand Internet Presence
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, JAN. 19, 2011 ( The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) is announcing its plans to take over the National Catholic Register. [Read More]
4. Military Under The Gun of LGBT Activists
A Christian attorney and pro-family activist says the radical "transgender" activists' push for clearance to serve in the military could awaken America to the dangers of allowing people living alternate lifestyles to wear the uniform. [Read More]
5. Innovative Program Brings Values, Virtues to Sex Education
What passes for “sex education” these days is often considered pornographic and highly offensive to traditional community standards. [Read More]
6. House Approves Bill Repealing Abortion-Funding Obamacare
The House of Representatives today fulfilled its election mandate to repeal the bill that caused Republicans to sweep into office and install a new pro-life majority. [Read More]
7. EU Sparks Outrage by Financing Homosexualist Groups in Cameroon
CAMEROON, January 21, 2011 (—Government officials and citizen organizations in the African nation of Cameroon are denouncing a decision by the European Union to send over 300,000 euros to three local organizations that work against the nation’s anti-sodomy laws. [Read More]
8. The TV Shows and Movies That Promoted Homosexuality The Most in 2010
LOS ANGELES, CA, January 21, 2011 ( – America’s Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) announced nominations yesterday for the TV shows, movies, and artists that promoted homosexuality the most in 2010. [Read More]
9. Marching for Life Across America
WASHINGTON — The annual March for Life is scheduled for next Monday, Jan. 24. Not everyone can make the trip to Washington, D.C. But that doesn’t leave thousands of supporters from large cities and small towns across America out in the cold. [Read More]
10. "Vatican Warned Bishops Not To Report Child Abuse"! [Read More]
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Philippine Festivals & Events 2011

This is obviously off topic for this blog but I want to do my small share in promoting tourism in the country. I saw this list of yearlong cultural and religious festivities in the newspaper last Sunday and found myself longing to experience it for myself. Our country is not only rich in natural resources but also in history and traditions that are totally unique to us, and our rich cultural heritage defines who we are as a people. It's a shame but some of the events here don't ring a bell in my mind. I must have missed it in my history class! And so as the oft repeated tourism slogan goes, 'Huwag maging dayuhan sa sariling bayan.'
JANUARY (Sto. Nino Fiesta)
The New Year kicks off with colorful street dancing parades to showcase the Filipino's deep veneration for the Sto. Nino (Child Jesus). Sto. Nino festivities are held in Manila and many other places in the country.
* Feast of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, Manila
* Sinulog Festival in Cebu City
* Dinagyang Festival in Iloilo City
* Ati-Atihan Festival in Kalibo, Aklan
FEBRUARY (Culture and Adventure Fiesta)
Enjoy the cool climes of the Cordilleras, hitch a ride on a hot air balloon or witness the flight of countless migratory birds. Whatever your pleasure, there's no where else to go but up!
* Panagbenga Flower Festival in Baguio City
* International Hot Air Balloon Festival in Clark Airfield, Pampanga
* Ibon-Ebon Festival in Candaba, Pampanga
* 2nd Phil Int'l Pyromusical Competition, SM MOA Complex
MARCH (Ecotourism Festival)
Feast your senses with mother nature's beauty. Go nature tripping, dive our seas or explore our caves and forests. Every voyage of discovery results in fascination and amazement. Only in the Philippines!
* Whale Shark Interaction in Donsol, Sorsogon
* Puerto Princesa Underground River and the Tabon Caves in Palawan
* The Chocolate Hills and the Loboc River Firefly Watching Tour in Bohol
* Mt. Apo Trek in Davao del Sur
APRIL (Summer Caravan)
Join the summer caravans to be organized by various motor associations in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Take part in pilgrimages to Pangasinan, Ilocos, and other religious sites. Observe Lenten rituals in Marinduque and other centers of Holy Week traditions.
* Moriones Festival in Marinduque
* Cutud Lenten Rites in Pampanga
* Magayon Festival in Albay
* Nationwide Easter Celebrations
MAY (Fiesta Extravaganza)
As summer comes to a close, the countryside springs to life as harvest fiestas are celebrated. See houses festooned with flowers, vegetables and horticultural varieties. Be mesmerized by carabaos kneeling in front of the church after a procession of floats. Keep in step with "fertility dance rites" for couples wishing to become parents.
* Pahiyas Festival in Lucban, Quezon
* Pulilan Carabao Festival and the Obando Fertility Rites in Bulacan
* Pasasalamat Festival in La Carlota City, Negros Occidental
* Kaogma Festival, Camarines Sur
JUNE (Historical Fiesta)
Commemorate the country's independence. Visit our historical sites and learn from our past. Know how our national heroes sacrificed their lives for the country. Travel the Road of Philippine Freedom.
* Philippine Independence Day Celebrations Worldwide
* Re-enactment of the Declaration of Independence in Kawit, Cavite
* 150th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in Calamba, Laguna.
* Pintados Kasadyaan Festival in Tacloban City, Leyte
JULY (Food Fiesta)
The Filipino's rich culinary tradition is demonstrated in the numerous recipes that are a mixture of Spanish and Oriental flavours. Try mouth-watering Filipino specialties that will satisfy your discriminating tastes. Join various culinary tours and enjoy the delightful flavours of our regional cuisine.
* Pampanga Culinary Tours
* Ilocos Culinary Tours
* Bicol Culinary Tours
(Special promotions and offers to be arranged in hotels, resorts, and restaurants nationwide.)
AUGUST (Mindanao Fiesta)
Fascinating, spellbinding and worth exploring - Exotic Mindanao! Be mesmerized by its rich natural resources and colourful, ethnic traditions. Witness the gathering of tribal groups in Mindanao. Partake in the celebration of bountiful harvests.
* Kadayawan sa Dabaw Festival in Davao City
* Durian Festival in Tagum City
* Higa-onon Festival in Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental
* Kalibongan Festival in Kidapawan City, North Cotabato
SEPTEMBER (Philippine Tourism Fiesta)
Tourism takes centerstage with the hosting of the Philippine Travel Mart and the Philippine Travel Exchange. All Filipinos are reminded to make their meaningful contributions to promote tourism as a means to generate greater economic results especially in the countryside.
* Philippine Travel Exchange/Philippine Travel Mart in Metro Manila
* Iloilo City Tourism Month
* Baguio City Tourism Month
* Penafrancia Festival in Naga City, Camarines Sur
OCTOBER (Health and Wellness Fiesta)
Feel great. Stay healthy. Go natural. Enjoy life. Indulge yourself in diverse spa offerings and physical fitness programs. Treat yourself to the country's healing hands and caring hearts. Be pampered with our traditional massage - Hilot.
* Zamboanga Hermosa Festival in Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur
* Lanzones Festival in Camiguin
* Masskara Festival in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
(Special promotions, offers, or tours to be arranged with health facilities and spa resorts nationwide)
NOVEMBER (Arts and Music Fiesta)
Be enamoured by our rich culture and colourful heritage. Know more about our diverse traditions as exhibited in visual art and dance forms. Be enthralled by the inborn musicality of the Filipino.
* Feast of San Clemente/Higantes Festival in Angono, Rizal
* Helobong Festival in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
* Kalinawa Art Exhibit in Tagum City, Davao del Norte
* Northern Mindanao Art Exhibit in Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental
DECEMBER (Christmas Fiesta)
As lanterns light up and spread Christmas cheer, attend the Misa de Gallo (early morning mass) and give glory and thanks for the birth of Christ the Saviour. The season is for children, so shopping for the little ones is a must!
* Giant Lantern Festival in San Fernando City, Pampanga
* Pasko sa Policarpio in Mandaluyong City
* Paskuhan sa Imus in Imus, Cavite
* Christmas Celebrations Nationwide
For more information please contact:
The Philippine Tourism Promotions Board Tel Nos: (02) 525-1255 and 525-9318 locals 244/271.
Event schedules posted are as submitted by organizers to the Department of Tourism. Schedules may change without prior notice.
Tara na, Biyahe na!
(Source: Manila Bulletin, 01/09/11)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Psychoanalyzing Vice Ganda

A blogger friend (AJ) has made some interesting observations/psychoanalysis on the popular noontime host. If this article reaches your attention, I would love to hear your answers on AJ's tough questions. It's show time!
Coming home for the holidays gave me the chance to catch up on my old TV habit. Watching the local noontime TV shows and nighttime telenovelas on free TV, I was blown away not only by the variety of fresh young faces, mostly with hybrid looks, but most especially by the popularity of one variety show host named Vice Ganda. He's/She's/They've certainly the top draw of the ABS-CBN program Show Time, which ironically includes a leader of a band called Itchyworms, which spoofed with brilliant satire the very idea of a noontime TV variety show. Next to Willie and the Wowowees, Vice Ganda is perhaps the most popular show biz figure in the country today. Unlike Willie Revillame, however, who according to a media survey cited by Inquirer columnist Neal Cruz is the showbiz personality perceived to be most conceited, Vice Ganda oozes with truly tantalizing talent, one that's natural and seemingly effortless. Therefore, I can't help but want to know more about him/her/them.
One thing most amazing of Ganda is his/her/their verbal wit. The way she disses or puts down anyone she finds deserving is out-of-this-world funny. It's the kind we haven't encountered on TV or anywhere else except in gay comedy bars. Unsurprisingly, Vice Ganda is ostensibly a product of that night-circuit culture of laughs that preys on the slow, the shameless, and the clueless -- though alas also on the weak. And s/he apparently continues to haunt Manila's night life with her shtick, together with undoubtedly equally talented people.
If anybody wants somebody too puffed up to lower his or her self-esteem a bit, one does well to invite him or her to do karaoke at the comedy bar. There, he is sure to be reduced to shame for whatever mistaken or overblown beliefs he may have in himself. Nothing is left sacred -- voice, looks, complexion, height, civil status, sex life, weight, leanness, fatness, gender, family, name all potential areas of weaknesses. Maybe only religion is exempt, except probably when putting down the dominant one (which can afford it; Roman Catholic in these parts). I've tried a comedy bar out of curiosity back in the day in Malate, by the name of Basilica, and I can only tell one thing: I won't be able to endure all those balahuraan and panlalait. I doff my felt hat to anyone brave enough to be publicly insulted that way all in the spirit of naughty fun. They are a brave, strong, humble bunch.
And was I admittedly impressed by the show hosts's sense of humor. The wild entertainment ethos somewhat opposed my cherished personal beliefs, but even though I came home quite guilty that night, nobody exercised my laughter muscles like they did.
The gay impersonators and transvestite comedians have a talent that's impossible to resent, even as we get envious. That kind of giftedness can only be received with much appreciation and gratitude. The enviable part is perhaps the fact that they deliver so well with so little, but no way will anyone envy the tremendous amount of pain involved in the business of funny-making. For this brand of stage actors capitalize on so much pain, particularly by making fun of their own weaknesses and suffering as a ploy to make fun of others' in return.
Their brand of comedy celebrates human frailty not so much by lifting it up to virtuous status as by accepting its unavoidable reality. Their success commands high ticket price even as it exacts such a high price on their offstage lives.
It is thus easy to imagine Vice Ganda to run the risk of being tempted by success. It could go to his fabulous, high-maintenance head so easily, for who is not prone to it? But we can rest assured by the fact that her brand of jokes constantly demands that she reminds himself of his own foibles and frailty. Can Vice Ganda handle her case over the long haul? Can he handle the sudden fame and wealth?
Who is s/he anyway? Where did he come from? What is his real name? The screen name Vice Ganda must be a pun on Vice President or Vice Mayor, and with the word "ganda" meaning "beauty" or "beautiful," his screen monicker could mean Vice President of Beauty or Vice Mayor of the Beautiful. How did he hear her calling to entertain? These are nice questions to ask Vice or Ms. Ganda.
But beyond the merrymaking and quick background check are additional issues to raise that are mainly tangential but equally important. Let's face it: Vice Ganda single-handedly normalized the transgendered or androgynous version of gayness. He made it acceptable to the point of making it mainstream. Is he willing to be questioned for this new role, albeit an accidental one? Will s/he react violently and defensively just like the rest?
Already, he has appeared in a major phone card (or something) ad. I believe that his case is not the first, and there's that little indie film by Michiko Yamamoto (Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros) that, I surmise (because I haven't seen it), made gay teens lovable onscreen for the first time. But Vice Ganda must be the first transgendered-looking gay guy to dominate ordinary Filipinos' lives, paving the way for a new stereotyping of the homosexual person.
How he catches their attention almost every single day on her show. Showing an extraordinary intelligence that combines a way with words and a top-notch sense of dark humor, what's not to like?
Others may be turned off by it and the other gimmicks, though, as when a youngish boyfriend (boylet in gay lingo; isn't he the lead of a pop rock band called Calla Lily) pops up now and then to utter sweet nothings and confess his jealousy and displeasure over Vice Ganda's constant flirting with handsome and muscular male guests. The little gimmick works with the audience obviously, finding the ruse amusing. But there is something else at work. Either the gimmick pokes fun on the tragic gay life for the sake of a thousand bucks per laugh per minute or, through mass indoctrination, makes that tragic life attain a level of lovability and hence acceptability. The whole thing could be seen as a ploy for a massive or mass-based peddling of that subliminal message.
There are so many other questions I want to ask Vice Ganda, given the chance. Is he really happy and satisfied with himself after the show, after sizing up game contestants on TV in a ridiculously funny way (he is the main judge in a talent contest too) and depositing piles in his bank account? When he looks at himself alone in the mirror, does he really like what he sees? Why does he constantly refer to himself as being horse-faced? Where is the tremendous self-deprecation coming from? Has he really accepted the gay life as the life? Would he be open to views other than the wildly popular and officially accepted as orthodox? Does he ever shudder at the huge influence he wields on the nation's populous gay boys community, which threaten to be a steady source of drag queen talents?
I would like to administer to her the psychotherapist Richard Cohen's multifactorial test for gayness as a neurotic syndrome, if he'd display some willingness and total honesty. How was he when he was growing up? Did he have an emotionally distant, strict, disciplinarian, militaristic, or absentee father or father figure? Did he have a dominant, overbearing mother or mother figure? Who has or have been his model of sexuality? Has he ever been sexually molested? If so, by whom and how many times?
Without a question, his IQ must be above-average, but what interests did he gravitate to? Was he around little girls a lot from boyhood to puberty? Has he been traumatically rejected by peers in any way?
What kind of personality does he have? (Several theories of personality may be applied.) Does he exhibit proneness to phobias, fears, anxieties? What are those, and how might he have acquired them? Is he obsessed with anything? Why?
Did he have a traumatic birth (e.g., a premature birth)? Did he have any other kinds of trauma growing up, such as any life-threatening disease, accidents, encounters with bizarre persons, adoption, abandonment, etc.? Was he an abused child in any way, other than the sexual (emotional, verbal, physical, psychological)? Were all his essential needs met? Was he traumatically neglected in some way?
How is his sex life? Does he have any kind of sexual addiction? What are these? Any fetishes? Any strange compulsions? How are his romantic relationships? Do they survive for long?
Was there ever a time he wished he wasn't gay? Is he somewhat angry that he is, his acceptance more of a hidden, bitter resignation? Might he have expressed any defense reaction in some way that exhibits diagnostic defensiveness?
Does he feel insulted, offended, demeaned in any way by any of the questions above? Is he angered violently, irrationally, that he'd want to kill whoever is asking? Does he compulsively feel the need to rebut at all costs and in all possible arenas?
Etc. etc.?
In the end, whatever any sector would say about Vice Ganda's runaway popularity and influence, the gay agenda that he knowingly or unknowingly embodies has effectively won the pop culture war even without a single piece of legislation. One thing I'm sure of is that the old marginalization argument by the progay camp must be retired.
Meanwhile, the public amazement over a prodigiously amusing talent lent to us is very much legitimate and deserves to be enjoyed and perhaps even applauded, even as it comes with some reservations.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Weekly News (2nd Week of January 2011)
1. Benedict XVI to Beatify John Paul II
Pontiff's Great Fame of Sanctity Acknowledged
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 14, 2011 ( Benedict XVI is planning to preside over the beatification rite for John Paul II on May 1, Divine Mercy Sunday, in the Vatican. [Read More]
2. Hungry Families To Rise Due To Price Hikes
ANTIPOLO City, Jan. 14, 2010—Expect the number of hungry families in the Philippines to balloon as food prices rise due to the increase in toll fees, pump prices, and fares. [Read More]
3. Bishop Tobin Criticizes Frenetic ‘Gay Marriage’ Push in Rhode Island
Providence, R.I., Jan 9, 2011 / 09:42 am (CNA).- Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence is warning that the “frenetic rush” to recognize “gay marriage” in Rhode Island is morally wrong and that Gov. Lincoln Chafee and other state leaders are pushing the legislation without adequate debate. [Read More]
4. Study: 'Religiosity' a Plus For Purity
A study on college students in the Bible Belt shows that "religiosity" and self-control have a positive effect on their level of sexual activity. [Read More]
5. Nation's First Gay Museum Opens in San Francisco
San Francisco (AP) - The nation's first gay museum opening in San Francisco's Castro district showcases a variety of items ranging from Harvey Milk's pink-framed sunglasses to manuscripts and sex toys. [Read More]
6. New York Figures: Abortion Not Rare, Used as Birth Control
The most populous city in the nation is also the most deadly for unborn babies. [Read More]
7. Catholic School Board Votes to Abandon Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality
HALTON, Ontario, January 12, 2011 ( - After pressure from homosexual activists, a committee of the Halton Catholic District School Board voted Tuesday night to recommend the scrapping of a policy that required schools to be faithful to Church teaching in the area of homosexuality. [Read More]
8. Boston and Denver Archbishops Differ on Permitting Children of Gay Couples in Catholic Schools
BOSTON, January 14, 2011 ( - Following directions from Cardinal Sean O’Malley, the Archdiocese of Boston has formulated a Catholic schools admission policy that prohibits “discrimination” against students who come from a homosexual household, a move that has won praise from dissident “Catholic” gay rights leaders. [Read More]
9. From ‘America’s Next Top Model’ to Lobbyist for Chastity
Former New York model Leah Darrow quit on the spot when she realized she was about to ‘lose her soul.’ Now she’s helping others avoid the trap of unchastity. [Read More]
10. Getting Intimate on Facebook [Read More]
Pontiff's Great Fame of Sanctity Acknowledged
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 14, 2011 ( Benedict XVI is planning to preside over the beatification rite for John Paul II on May 1, Divine Mercy Sunday, in the Vatican. [Read More]
2. Hungry Families To Rise Due To Price Hikes
ANTIPOLO City, Jan. 14, 2010—Expect the number of hungry families in the Philippines to balloon as food prices rise due to the increase in toll fees, pump prices, and fares. [Read More]
3. Bishop Tobin Criticizes Frenetic ‘Gay Marriage’ Push in Rhode Island
Providence, R.I., Jan 9, 2011 / 09:42 am (CNA).- Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence is warning that the “frenetic rush” to recognize “gay marriage” in Rhode Island is morally wrong and that Gov. Lincoln Chafee and other state leaders are pushing the legislation without adequate debate. [Read More]
4. Study: 'Religiosity' a Plus For Purity
A study on college students in the Bible Belt shows that "religiosity" and self-control have a positive effect on their level of sexual activity. [Read More]
5. Nation's First Gay Museum Opens in San Francisco
San Francisco (AP) - The nation's first gay museum opening in San Francisco's Castro district showcases a variety of items ranging from Harvey Milk's pink-framed sunglasses to manuscripts and sex toys. [Read More]
6. New York Figures: Abortion Not Rare, Used as Birth Control
The most populous city in the nation is also the most deadly for unborn babies. [Read More]
7. Catholic School Board Votes to Abandon Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality
HALTON, Ontario, January 12, 2011 ( - After pressure from homosexual activists, a committee of the Halton Catholic District School Board voted Tuesday night to recommend the scrapping of a policy that required schools to be faithful to Church teaching in the area of homosexuality. [Read More]
8. Boston and Denver Archbishops Differ on Permitting Children of Gay Couples in Catholic Schools
BOSTON, January 14, 2011 ( - Following directions from Cardinal Sean O’Malley, the Archdiocese of Boston has formulated a Catholic schools admission policy that prohibits “discrimination” against students who come from a homosexual household, a move that has won praise from dissident “Catholic” gay rights leaders. [Read More]
9. From ‘America’s Next Top Model’ to Lobbyist for Chastity
Former New York model Leah Darrow quit on the spot when she realized she was about to ‘lose her soul.’ Now she’s helping others avoid the trap of unchastity. [Read More]
10. Getting Intimate on Facebook [Read More]
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Interview with Angus Nelson - Author of Love's Compass

Angus Nelson is a natural-born leader, but is not afraid to serve. In fact, you could say that’s exactly why he makes such a great leader. His energy has been described as contagious, his commitment infectious and his leadership inspiring. Angus is the author of a new book about navigating relationship and love called, Love’s Compass: When We’ve Lost our Way. He knows the role of shame in the cycle of addiction. He lives in Huntsville, Alabama with his wife and three kids.
Here is the link to Angus' interview. This podcast is courtesy of my online friend JR. Visit his website at
P.S.: There is one comment left by reader who is also struggling with porn addiction. Be inspired with his testimony.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A Member's Journey with Courage

Sometime in August last year when I decided to stride my first foot forward and finally commence the journey that would change my life forever. It was a flight different from the others I used to go over because it required of me painstaking decisions that in the process I had to die to myself which in all cases had never been easy. It was too difficult that I necessarily had to be with people who just like me made the resolution of going through a metamorphosis for the better. Thanks and praise be to God for I found them and my going up and below my personal struggles of SSA with Courage began.
“Journey with Courage” – this phrase by itself would not capture what I did and how I feel as I embrace this winding travel. On the other hand, it means otherwise for I am enveloped by thick clouds of fears, of doubts and of apprehensions. The fact that I feel this way also meant that the road ahead of me was vague, darkened by my own blindness thereby causing me to stumble and fall every now and then. I could not help myself for this was how it was even before. Actually, this is even better for in my past I would have myself stuck in the mud and would never move nor look up because I thought that there’s no other way but to drown. When my journey started, I began to crawl. It was so slow like healing a wound of a diabetic person without taking in proper medication. Hopeless. However, I knew and I have my faith on it that even though it seems untraceable, I am able to move forward. Now and forever, God is good for whenever I look back I realize that I have been somewhere away from my old self. Not the way I wished I was like yet but in God’s own time, I will be the kind of person I should be.
It had been a year of journey with Courage and I know that a long, a very long road still waits for me to take. Hence, a road that will never end until the very last breath of my life is the real path I am on the way. The difference now is that I don’t just have people with me but little by little I’m learning to take Courage as a way of life. Thanks be to God.
A Letter to Jesus by Another Member
Dear Jesus,
It’s been nine (9) months since I’ve started resuming my journey back to manhood and I would say that I’m stronger now. I have resisted a lot of trials and snares of the devil but I know that there were also a lot of fallbacks. There were also times that I feel that I am alone with this battle and that I will not be able to defeat the enemy but You stood by Me. With the help of my brothers and sisters in Courage, I remain in this journey. Please help me to be patient and to learn to love myself more.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Weekly News (First Week of January 2011)
1. Pope Urges Religious Tolerance, Condemns Attacks on Christians
MANILA, January 7, 2011—POPE Benedict XVI appealed for religious tolerance amidst surging persecution of Christians and urged the faithful to commit themselves in building a society that ensures freedom of worship as a means to achieve peace in the world. [Read More]
2. Make Home a Virtue School, Pontiff Tells Families
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 6, 2011 ( Benedict XVI is encouraging Christian families to make their homes a nursery of virtues. [Read More]
3. 'Devotion' Reminds Prelate of Black Nazarene Feast
A SENIOR prelate in Cagayan de Oro reminded Thursday the Black Nazarene devotees to stay true to the meaning of the occasion and not be overwhelmed by the promises of "miracles". [Read More]
4. 'Subjective' Definition Should Be Revised
A backer of abstinence education says the government is funding a message that attempts to redefine the meaning of "abstinence." [Read More]
5. China Cracks Down on Porn
BEIJING, January 7, 2011 ( - A nationwide crackdown on pornography by the Chinese government has resulted in the National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications shutting down more than 60,000 porn websites in 2010, according to a Xinhua News report. [Read More]
6. Defender of Pro-Abortion and Homosexualist Policies Appointed to Vatican’s Academy of Sciences
January 6, 2011 ( - Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, a Brazilian neuroscientist who was appointed yesterday to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, is an open defender of the pro-abortion and homosexualist ideology of Brazil’s new president, Dilma Rousseff, LifeSiteNews has learned. [Read More]
7. Report: No More Candy in Safe-Sex Kits for Students
( - An AIDS services group is removing candy from safe-sex kits distributed to high school students in Swanzey, N.H. The kits also contained condoms and "fruit-flavored lubricant," the New Hampshire Union-Leader reported. [Read More]
8. House Takes First Step in Repealing Abortion-Funding ObamaCare
The House of Representatives took its first step today in repealing the abortion-funding ObamaCare bill that pro-life groups strongly oppose. [Read More]
9. Outlawing the Natural Law
A world-renowned Catholic doctor warns of the new assault on human dignity and talks about prayer’s medical “side effects,” his debates with Jack Kevorkian and how to prevent Alzheimer’s. [Read More]
10. Remembering Father John Harvey
The founder of Courage has died at 92. He sought a gentle approach, yet always faithful to Church teaching, to addressing same-sex attraction. [Read More]
MANILA, January 7, 2011—POPE Benedict XVI appealed for religious tolerance amidst surging persecution of Christians and urged the faithful to commit themselves in building a society that ensures freedom of worship as a means to achieve peace in the world. [Read More]
2. Make Home a Virtue School, Pontiff Tells Families
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 6, 2011 ( Benedict XVI is encouraging Christian families to make their homes a nursery of virtues. [Read More]
3. 'Devotion' Reminds Prelate of Black Nazarene Feast
A SENIOR prelate in Cagayan de Oro reminded Thursday the Black Nazarene devotees to stay true to the meaning of the occasion and not be overwhelmed by the promises of "miracles". [Read More]
4. 'Subjective' Definition Should Be Revised
A backer of abstinence education says the government is funding a message that attempts to redefine the meaning of "abstinence." [Read More]
5. China Cracks Down on Porn
BEIJING, January 7, 2011 ( - A nationwide crackdown on pornography by the Chinese government has resulted in the National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications shutting down more than 60,000 porn websites in 2010, according to a Xinhua News report. [Read More]
6. Defender of Pro-Abortion and Homosexualist Policies Appointed to Vatican’s Academy of Sciences
January 6, 2011 ( - Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, a Brazilian neuroscientist who was appointed yesterday to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, is an open defender of the pro-abortion and homosexualist ideology of Brazil’s new president, Dilma Rousseff, LifeSiteNews has learned. [Read More]
7. Report: No More Candy in Safe-Sex Kits for Students
( - An AIDS services group is removing candy from safe-sex kits distributed to high school students in Swanzey, N.H. The kits also contained condoms and "fruit-flavored lubricant," the New Hampshire Union-Leader reported. [Read More]
8. House Takes First Step in Repealing Abortion-Funding ObamaCare
The House of Representatives took its first step today in repealing the abortion-funding ObamaCare bill that pro-life groups strongly oppose. [Read More]
9. Outlawing the Natural Law
A world-renowned Catholic doctor warns of the new assault on human dignity and talks about prayer’s medical “side effects,” his debates with Jack Kevorkian and how to prevent Alzheimer’s. [Read More]
10. Remembering Father John Harvey
The founder of Courage has died at 92. He sought a gentle approach, yet always faithful to Church teaching, to addressing same-sex attraction. [Read More]
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Daddy D's Journey with Courage

I consider the following as the highlights of my Courage journey for the year 2010.
Highlight # 1 – Teachings and Talks on the following:
- The Courage Journey of Fr. John Harvey.
- The True Masculine/True Feminine.
- Spiritual Warfare in Community with personal sharing by Fr. David Clay.
- Building Up a True Christian Family with sharing of Bro. Biboy on his family and life experiences has deepened my understanding and conviction of God's fatherly love.
- Discovering Your Core Gift - the audio presentation by Bo Sanchez especially his 20%-80% insight was instilled in my mind - that my SSA is not the whole of me; it's just my 20%.
- Responding to the Homosexual Agenda - the presentation and talk have given deeper understanding of my SSA struggles.
Highlight # 2 – Lenten recollection at the Anawim Community with Fr. Dan
“Knowing the Father’s Heart” has revealed to me and deeply reinforced my trust and complete surrender to God’s unconditional fatherly love. This has also been reiterated by talks on the Father’s Love in our parish
Highlight # 3 – Retreat at St. Joseph In Manila
I have experienced strong and deep spiritual bonding with my Courage brethren during this retreat through the prayer of examen, the prayer of blessing, prayer exercises, group sharing and fellowship with intercessory prayers
Highlight # 4 – Outreach to Hospice of St. John of God and Sampaguita Medium Security Prisons
The experience made me realize that my SSA struggles are really not that significant when compared to the other good things I can do for others in whatever little ways I can help them, if only I should think less of myself and open my heart to others. Related to this, I thank God for leading me back and welcoming me to the Legion of Mary in our parish to show me that extending a helping hand to others even in a very small way far outweighs my SSA struggles and anxieties.
Highlight # 5 – Sharing Meetings, Sacrament Sundays and Fellowship with my Courage Brethren
These have reinforced my conviction that I am not alone and that there are others who care to reflect God’s love and compassion. These are moments of joy and celebration worth looking forward to with blessed anticipation.
Together with my Courage brethren we can overcome our frailties and weaknesses with the help of our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and all the angels, archangels and saints. Truly, the communion of saints has been manifested in our Courage journey. God’s mercy, compassion and love have been showered abundantly in spite my innumerable falls, my stiff-necked attitude and pride.
Thank God for His immense kindness and providence, His boundless patience and understanding. I pray that our Courage support group continue to pursue our spiritual longings with endurance and steadfastness. I am thankful to our pastor- brother and our priest-ministers, collaborators and benefactors. May God bless us all as we embark on another Courage journey in 2011.
Praise glory and thanksgiving to the Blessed Trinity now and forever. Amen!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
RJVM's Journey with Courage

Annual Report to the King of Kings, our Lord Jesus Christ: A Year of God’s Grace and Victory by RJVM
It is God's plan and time indeed as we look back what happened to our precious lives this year 2010. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King and let me share to all of you how our King works through me and to my loved ones. It started all when I dreamt last December 25, 2009. I can say it is a very unusual dream because I am dreaming in a dream. But what is important is an angel of God appeared to me and told me that “Huwag kang malulungkot at maraming pang graces ang darating sa iyo”. In that dream I remember the story of Zechariah. Nung una ang tanong ko sa aking sarili, maniniwala ba ako o hindi – buti na lang hindi ako literally nabulag but instead I became blind to “sin”. I thought you can get the blessings through material things but I was wrong, it is more on spiritual blessings.
As I look back this year, I claim that this dream is indeed true. My everyday trials and temptations I can say that I have won and surpassed all of it, because I believe that God is on our side. As Job says “the life of man upon earth is a continual warfare”, conflict no matter how far we are advanced in the spiritual life, we must never expect immunity from temptation, from ups and downs. I do not claim that I have already succeeded or have already become perfect. I keep striving to win the prize for which Christ Jesus has already won me to Himself. Of course, I really do not think that I have already won it, the one thing I do, however is to forget and learned what is behind me and do my best with God’s grace to reach what is ahead. It is an image of my spiritual life which entails effort, exertion and often exhaustion. Our Lord says “Work out your salvation, and strive to enter the narrow gate”. He wants effort, untiring effort. At the end of my day, I am inspired with the words of St. Paul and let me share it with all of you: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”.
Our only weapon to win the battle against Satan is very basic to do but often we forget and that is persistent prayer life. Why do you think the devil is afraid to see you pray? When you go to Mass or confession, when you pray in the morning and evening, when you thank Him for all the blessings He gave to us, and when you pray the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the devil’s knees shake, because every time you pray a little bit of you becomes a little bit of God, you are becoming like Jesus. And the devil is afraid of God. He runs away when he sees God but more than looking like Jesus – to know how to converse with Jesus is a great art, to know how to keep Jesus in our heart is the greatest prudence. Be humble and peaceful and Jesus will live in your heart. Be devout and quiet, and Jesus will remain with you. It is better to have the whole world against us, than to have offended Jesus. And therefore, among all who are dear to you, let Jesus alone be your special friend.
Let this be an opportunity for me to thank our Lord Jesus and Mary for all the graces and in her maternal protection. To Saint Michael my personal trainor and to St. Padre Pio, St. Therese of the Child Jesus and St. Faustina their lives truly inspire me and the rest of the saints and angels I thank them for their powerful intercessions. To my family and loved ones for your untiring understanding and support. To my Courage family, for letting me feel that I am not alone on this lifetime battle – huwag sana kayo mapapagod at magsawang pakinggan ang paulit-ulit kong struggle. To my Catholic charismatic group and lectors’ guild for giving me the opportunity to serve on daily mass, as well as to our community for letting me share my talent which is singing by making me part of the choir. To Regina Coeli Healing Community for their continuous support and helping me to understand the healing of my family tree. Indeed the message of Mama Mary happened that her Immaculate Heart will triumph in my life. To all the SVD seminarians and missionaries, I will walk with you on your journey until you become priests. To all my priest-friends, most especially to Fr. Anthony, Fr. Dan, Fr. Dave and Fr. Mario for your continuous prayer and support. And lastly to all Pink Sisters who taught me to pray contemplative which is the essence of prayer – no words, no music, just a look of love.
Maraming salamat po ulit sa inyong lahat. Alam ko sa darating na taon mas lalo pa bubuhos and grasya ni Hesus at sana mas marami pa ako matulungan na gaya natin para magpatotoo na kaya natin to dahil kasama natin si Hesus at Maria.
Once again as I look back what happened this year 2010, I can say and let me borrow the words of our Blessed Mother Mary that “Behold from now on will all ages shall call me blessed”. On bended knees, I salute my Kind and your King, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Weekly News (Fifth Week of December)
1. 2010: A Papal Year in Review
Benedict XVI's Journeys, Writings, Initiatives
SAN MARCOS, California, DEC. 25, 2010 ( With the calendar year coming to a close, the time has come to remember the voyage of 2010 for the Church. Benedict XVI has faced his share of troubles, but has endured daunting challenges with remarkable resiliency. He enters the new year perhaps all the stronger for his battles. Here's a look back at 2010. [Read More]
2. Change for Country Is Possible, Says CBCP Head
MANILA, Dec. 31, 2010—Despite dehumanizing conditions of poverty and other social ills that grip the country, social transformation is still a possibility, a Catholic leader said. [Read More]
3. Doctrine Office Says Pope’s Words on Condoms and AIDS Were 'Manipulated'
Vatican City, Dec 21, 2010 / 12:51 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- More than a month later, Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks about condom use and AIDS, made in his latest book, continue to provoke commentary and controversy. [Read More]
4. Selection of 'Gay' Leader No Step Toward Christian Unity
A Christian renewal group says by electing an open homosexual to be its leader, an alliance of North Carolina churches has undermined its own purpose. [Read More]
5. Planned Parenthood Launches ‘Social Change Initiative’ to Teach Parents How to Educate Children About Sex, Including Masturbation, Homosexuality
( – The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is signaling its intention to dominate the national sex education agenda. [Read More]
6. Obama’s Attitudes on Homosexual ‘Marriage’ ‘Evolving’ — God’s Remain the Same [Read More]
7. MTV: Call It What You Want, It’s Still Abortion
Watching “No Easy Decision” was very much like watching a typical day in my life, because in my full time pro-life ministry, my team and I minister around the world to men and women who are struggling with their pregnancy, and also with men and women who have been through the abortion experience. [Read More]
8. Chaplains Ignored in DADT Repeal Debate
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s signature Dec. 22 on the bill repealing the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy portends ominous consequences for the armed forces’ morale and fighting effectiveness. [Read More]
9. So You Say You Want a Soul Mate...
Chastity educator Jason Evert offers his advice on finding the right one.
Jason Evert, one of the nation’s best known and most successful Catholic chastity education speakers, is releasing a new book, How to Find Your Soul Mate Without Losing Your Soul. [Read More]
10. Top 10 Good News Stories of 2010
( - There were many hopeful events and signs in 2010. Here’s just a few of them, the most popular “good news” stories on LifeSiteNews in 2010 as measured by the number of pageviews they received. [Read More]
Happy New Year!
Benedict XVI's Journeys, Writings, Initiatives
SAN MARCOS, California, DEC. 25, 2010 ( With the calendar year coming to a close, the time has come to remember the voyage of 2010 for the Church. Benedict XVI has faced his share of troubles, but has endured daunting challenges with remarkable resiliency. He enters the new year perhaps all the stronger for his battles. Here's a look back at 2010. [Read More]
2. Change for Country Is Possible, Says CBCP Head
MANILA, Dec. 31, 2010—Despite dehumanizing conditions of poverty and other social ills that grip the country, social transformation is still a possibility, a Catholic leader said. [Read More]
3. Doctrine Office Says Pope’s Words on Condoms and AIDS Were 'Manipulated'
Vatican City, Dec 21, 2010 / 12:51 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- More than a month later, Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks about condom use and AIDS, made in his latest book, continue to provoke commentary and controversy. [Read More]
4. Selection of 'Gay' Leader No Step Toward Christian Unity
A Christian renewal group says by electing an open homosexual to be its leader, an alliance of North Carolina churches has undermined its own purpose. [Read More]
5. Planned Parenthood Launches ‘Social Change Initiative’ to Teach Parents How to Educate Children About Sex, Including Masturbation, Homosexuality
( – The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is signaling its intention to dominate the national sex education agenda. [Read More]
6. Obama’s Attitudes on Homosexual ‘Marriage’ ‘Evolving’ — God’s Remain the Same [Read More]
7. MTV: Call It What You Want, It’s Still Abortion
Watching “No Easy Decision” was very much like watching a typical day in my life, because in my full time pro-life ministry, my team and I minister around the world to men and women who are struggling with their pregnancy, and also with men and women who have been through the abortion experience. [Read More]
8. Chaplains Ignored in DADT Repeal Debate
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s signature Dec. 22 on the bill repealing the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy portends ominous consequences for the armed forces’ morale and fighting effectiveness. [Read More]
9. So You Say You Want a Soul Mate...
Chastity educator Jason Evert offers his advice on finding the right one.
Jason Evert, one of the nation’s best known and most successful Catholic chastity education speakers, is releasing a new book, How to Find Your Soul Mate Without Losing Your Soul. [Read More]
10. Top 10 Good News Stories of 2010
( - There were many hopeful events and signs in 2010. Here’s just a few of them, the most popular “good news” stories on LifeSiteNews in 2010 as measured by the number of pageviews they received. [Read More]
Happy New Year!
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