Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Courage Philippines' First Newsletter Out!

Kudos to Bro. A's initiative and the officers of Courage Philippines! Our ministry finally has its own newsletter which will be issued twice a year. It will be a great tool to update our benefactors and supporters of what is happening in the organization and also for those who might be interested to journey with us. You can now download our e-newsletter in PDF format which is located on the sidebar under the About Us section. Meanwhile, here is a message from our spiritual director, Fr. Dan Healy.

Congratulations to COURAGE Philippines for launching this newsletter!

It has always struck me that "courage" is a most appropriate name for this movement. I have the privilege of journeying with the men and women who join Courage and who persevere in their pursuit of holiness. They are truly examples of the virtue of courage. It takes great courage to listen to the truth and strive to live by it. It takes courage to face the personal challenges of same-sex attraction. It takes courage to be chaste in a world that promotes sexual immorality.

However, those with SSA are not the only ones who need courage. More and more, I see that this is the virtue most needed by anyone who stands up for the teachings of the Church, especially the truth about sexual morality. In the past it was not controversial to hold and teach that homosexual behavior is gravely wrong. But now, anyone who dares to oppose any part of the agenda of the aggressive gay rights movement is subject to harsh public ridicule, even threats. And it looks like the social climate will get worse before it gets better. We all need courage now!

We do not weaken in the face of trials and opposition, because our confidence is built on the truth, and on the encouragement of Jesus Himself, who repeatedly urges us: Do not be afraid!

May the Lord bless all the members of Courage and Encourage, and all those who support their efforts.

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