This is an invite from our brothers in Bagong Pagasa regarding the upcoming Exodus East Asia Conference 2010 to be held in Taipei, Taiwan at the end of July. Kindly disseminate this information to all who are interested to attend the said event.
Greetings from Bagong Pag-asa!
We would like to invite you to consider participating in the upcoming Exodus East Asia Conference 2010 in Taiwan entitled "Turn Back, The Time is Now!", with Prof. Christopher Yuan (an ex-gay) as the main speaker. This conference will be helpful for both people struggling with same-sex attraction as well as their loved ones (parents, wives, friends). Prof. Yuan's parents will also be there to share their testimony in one of the workshops. Conference details are as follows:
Event: Turn Back, The Time Is Now! 2010 Conference in Taipei, Taiwan July 29-31, 2010
Address: 4F, No. 36, Jingzhong St., Wenshan District, Taipei City 116, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Main Speaker: Prof. Christopher Yuan, with his parents as two of the workshop speakers.
Conference Topics: A Biblical Response to Homosexuality, Winning Gay Friends to Christ, Breaking Free to Victory.
Workshop Topics: Whom I Love Is Gay, Surviving under A Prodigal Son Crisis, Process About the Change of Homosexuality, How to Build Up an Effective Support Group, Overcoming Sexual Addiction.
We have included our promotional poster as attachment. Please do help us promote this event by forwarding this to people who might be interested.
Should you wish to register and join the event, kindly contact Bagong Pag-asa at the numbers indicated below. Please note that all expenses for the trip as well as the conference fees will be on personal account.
Thank you and God bless!
Bagong Pag-asa
Unit 10M, Burgundy Corporate Tower
252 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City
Telefax: (+632) 886-4441
Mobile nos.: +63927-5788373 (Globe) & +63923-6191381 (Sun)
www.bagongpagasa. org
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