Invitation from Pro-Life Philippines
As part of its lobby and advocacy efforts, Pro-Life Philippines Foundation, Inc. invites all pro-lifers most especially advocacy group leaders, parishioners, teachers, and students to attend the Pro-Life Seminar Series for July titled “Strategies to Protect Life and the Family in the 15th Congress.”
This seminar aims to shed light on using lobbying activities as means of cultivating a culture of life as well as to educate pro-lifers on how they can help on advancing the pro-life agenda in numerous venues especially in the legislative arm of the government.
Seasoned pro-life lawyer Atty. Jo Aurea Imbong of the Ang Kapatiran will be sharing her expertise on raising arguments against controversial anti-life bills. BUHAY Party-List’s Mr. Jose “Agoy” Descallar will be explaining the prospective landscape of the 15th Congress of the Philippines. Rep. William Irwin Tieng of the BUHAY Party-List will discuss on how pro-lifers can help convince legislators to support the pro-life cause.
An open forum comes after each of the speaker’s discussion.
The seminar is slated on a Saturday, July 31, 2010 from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM at the St. Joseph Retreat House Conference Room, Our Lady of Loreto Church, Manzanas Street, Sampaloc, Manila. A registration fee of P 750.00 includes one snack, one lunch, one seminar kit, and a certificate of participation signed by the organizers.
For reservations or more information, please call Ellen at 733-7027. Or, you may send us a telefax at 734-9425; a text through mobile# 0919-2337783; or an email at life@prolife.org.ph. Visit our website at www.prolife.org.ph
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